Chapter 42: A Sticky Situation

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***Amaya's POV***

There we all stood on the deck, staring at the strange land in front of us.

"Goodness today is my lucky day." Brook started to say as he went to fetch his cane from the kitchen. "Not only have I run into people, but my heartfelt dream has also come true!" He said with a hope-filled tone.

He jumped off the railing we were all leaning against, landing on top of the ship's figurehead after the long distance covered.

"He's so agile!" Sanji comments.

"Indeed." Brook agrees with a tip of his tall hat. "I became light on my feet after I died and turned to bones!" He explained. "Please break through the gate towering over you and escape with all due haste! No matter what, do not drop anchor by the shore!" Brook advised. "It made me so very happy to meet you today! I will never forget that scrumptious meal!"

Without waiting for a response, Brook jumped into the ocean before running over the water's surface. He made his way towards the island ahead of us, leaving nothing but questions lingering in the others' minds. I mean I already knew what was going on, or at least the basics since it's been awhile.

"At any rate, Luffy, let's take his advice." Nami suggests while standing behind Luffy. "I have no idea what's going on, but his island is clearly nothing but trouble!"

Luffy turned around to face her and the rest of us with a large grin on his face. "Did you say something?" He responded, cheerfully.

I shook my head at his silliness. Nami's too for that matter. I mean there's a strange island in front of Luffy, what did she expect for him to do?

"He's dying to go!" Chopper, Usopp, and Nami all shouted together at their captain's antics.

Chi and I laugh at their reactions.

"What's the deal with this ghost island?" Usopp complains.

"Hey, where did that ghost go?" Chopper looked around frantically for the earlier ghost.

"It flew back toward the island." Zoro informed us.

Robin then started to tell them how we were surrounded by walls, trapping us until something changed the situation. While she was filling them in, I went to my room to grab my air board and my camera. I was hoping to capture some funny moments or reactions from the others.

When I returned with Chi, I noticed that Luffy was also missing on deck.

"If the island is moving, we're still in the middle of the ocean." Franky analyzed. "We can't drop anchor here."

"Whoa, there!" Usopp snapped at the cyborg. "Why do I get the feeling you wanna stay here? We gotta leave now! We're gonna get cursed!"

"Listen, guys." Nami weakly says while slumped against the wall in a crouched position. "I've come down with 'fear-of-unknown-islands-osis'!" She declared.

"Same! I've caught the same bug." The weeping Chopper wailed next to her.

"Okay!" Luffy shouted, slamming open a door that led on deck. "Let's take her up to the shore!" He voices. He was carrying a large butterfly net that had a long pole attached to it. He also wore a tackle box that was strapped against his person.

"Do you have 'set-for-adventure-osis'?!!?" Usopp yelled in his face.

"I mean, he's had that since he was a kid. Right, Chi?" I question the cloudfox on my shoulder.

"Chii," she agreed with a slight huff on the end both from amusement and exasperation.

"Think it over, Luffy! Open your eyes! See that creepy building? It's a real haunted mansion! You're talking malicious spirits way too lightly." Usopp tried to plead with him.

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