Chapter 58: Into the Fray!

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***Amaya's POV***

Shrieks of terror sounded all around as we plummeted from the sky. Even Luffy's voice was yelling in fear as my laugh joined in with the noise. This was my element after all: the sky. Besides why fear when I know that we'll land in water.

Wait....I can't swim...okay time to fear.

"Ahhhhhh!" I joined in as I controlled my body in the air to lead me closer to Luffy.

Once I was near, he used his gum gum ability to latch onto me to pull me closer as we continued to fall. Soon enough we impacted into the frigid water.

Luffy and I clung to each other with what feeble strength remained after coming in contact with the sea. Luffy went unconscious while my mind remained alert. It was always bitter-sweet. I could see the dangers, but I was still unable to move.

A trail of bubbles started to approach us quickly. Jinbe was at the head of the trail as he quickly swam his way to us. Grabbing onto the two of us, he hosted us up on the ship that fell down along with us.

After a few moments, my body allowed me to move once again. I looked over my weapons, making sure everything was still there, as I waited for Luffy to wake up.

"Where am I?" His weak voice sounded. "Oh yeah, I fell from there. Ace!" He finally snapped up.

"Great you're up. Let's go." I stood next to him as he took in the surrounding battles.

Still frantic, Luffy didn't acknowledge me. He was sweeping his gaze every which way, searching. "Ace? Where are you? Ace!?" He shouted. "He's not on this side. Wait for me Ace!" Luffy concluded as we raced to the other side of the ship.

I joined in the search, trying to look for anything that looked familiar. However, with all the cannon fire, smoke, and general battles it was hard to see too far ahead.

Using the main mast of the tilted ship, we used it to walk towards another area of the battlefield.

"Wait for us, Ace! we'll be there soon!"

His change from 'me' to 'us' was the only indication I got that Luffy realized I was here. As long as he knew I had his back all was well.

As we ventured throughout the battles, random grunts would attempt to block our path or take us out. Needless to say, they only served as warm ups.

"Don't get in our way!" Luffy ordered as he punched a marine in the face, sending him flying to a large group of them from behind.

My sheathed sword was already in my hands, sending the occasional air slice to opponents who would block our way. I would also send them to aid the pirates who had come to help free Ace, saving a few in the process.

We reached a location where the front of Marinefort was fully in view. Luffy and I froze from seeing its colossal size. However, seeing Ace chained on top of a large scaffolding soon pushed us back onto motion.

"Ace." Luffy mumbled as he finally snapped out of his frenzied state.

"Are you back in the game, Lu? We've got someone to save."

He started to smirk so large that it turned into a lopsided smile before inhaling a large breath.

"AAAAAAACCCCCEEEEE!" His bellow attracted some major attention, including that of the raven hair man we came to save.

"LLLUUUUFFFFFYY! His voice responded, earning a grin on my face.

Behind us our main group that busted out of Impel Down joined us. Jinbe, Iva, Crocy, Mr. 1, Bon, and even Buggy had come to join.

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