Chapter 37: The 8th Straw Hat

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***Amaya's POV***

Well ever since Spandam's over dramatic speech, Franky, Robin, and I started to head for the ship that we were planning to commandeer. Franky made short work of the marines that were there, sending them into the water below.

Franky leaned over the edge, tauntingly with a grin. "Sorry, Marines! We're gonna use this ship to escape." He then surveyed our new vessel as Robin and I stood on deck near him. "Now, we've finished cleaning out our escape ship, the former escort ship."

"Yes." Robin responds to keep him going.

"All we have to do now is wait for Straw Hat and the others." The cyborg concluded.

"Something tells me it won't be that easy. Look." I point over the side, seeing bubbles form on the water's surface.

"What's that?" Franky questions.

A large creature splashed out of the water's surface. "Don't!" It was the old grandma, who was now a mermaid. "Die!" She finished shouting. She was carrying part of the crew we were waiting for. "Hey, you guys wake up!" She said as she flopped them onto the deck.

Sanji, Usopp er I mean Sogeking, Zoro, Chopper, Nami, along with the little girl and her pet all shot water out of their mouths as they panted to fill their lungs with air.

"They must've....They must've received a tremendous shock." Franky suggests. "They all stopped breathing, so they didn't swallow much water."

The grandma just laughed. "Good thing they're okay, but" she looked back at the passed out people on the deck. "What on earth could have shocked them enough to make them stop breathing?" She pondered, oblivious to the fact that it was her mermaid form that caused the incident.

"It was you." Franky straight up told her.

"You must be the friends that pirate king kid came to rescue." She spoke to Robin and I, ignoring Franky's comment. "I saw you two at Shift Station." She started to get back into her usual attire. "Back then when I met you all, I never thought that you guys would pull something like this."

"Hurry up and get dressed, you old hag!" Franky griped at her.

"You're one to talk, Franky." I comment.

Unbothered, she continued to tell her story. "I laughed when I heard him say he was gonna be King of the Pirates, but who knows? It might actually happen." She mentions.

I smile at the comment. Luffy would be happy to have heard this, assuming he would pause long enough to hear it. Yeah, differentially not.

Those on the deck, started to come to, making a lot of racket in the process.

Blech! Blah! Ugg!

Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji fussed.

"Is Nami-san okay?" Sanji spits out with his first breath.

"You guys are as tough as ever." Franky monotones.

"Don't worry Sanji, she's good." I answer. "Welcome to solid footing, guys!"

"I'm glad you're all alive." Grandma states.

Sogeking takes a look at her before full blown panicking. "Ahhh! So it was real! Mermaids really do exist!" His eyes popped so far out of his mask that they went further than his nose. His tongue went even further, looking like it was doing the wave in the process.

"So the tales were true about people seeing a mermaid then realizing it was actually a dugong!" Zoro promptly questions. He didn't look in great shape, especially compared to his usual demeanor. His hair was puffed out like an agitated cat while his mouth was wide and his eyes held unforgettable tears in the bottom half.

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