Chapter 60: Do or Die

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***Amaya's POV***

The three admirals didn't move, feeling unthreatened despite Luffy's grand appearance.

I squeezed Ace's shoulder in reassurance. I'd jump in if I felt Luffy was about to die.

"I praise you just for your tenacity." Akainu remarked to Luffy.

"But you're not good enough to reach this stage yet." Aokiji continued.

"What makes you think you could beat us?" Kizaru quipped.

"I'm gonna get Ace back!" Luffy declared, chucking the wooden mast at the group.

Aokiji froze the wood before tossing it away, but Luffy wasn't finished.

"Gum-Gum Stamp Gatling!" He was shouting as his legs kicked in various locations. He kicked the mast into many different pieces, hurling them back towards the admirals.

Unfortunately for Luffy, all three of our opponents were logia types, so all the attacks went right through them. He did create a large smokescreen in the process.

"Second gear!" Luffy ran in our direction at his top speed. "I don't have time to fight those guys!"

"He fooled us." Kizaru mumbles before zapping in Luffy's path. The light-man then kicked Luffy into a nearby building structure.

Having seen enough, I started to create a wax key for Ace's cuffs. Apparently, I wasn't the only one thinking about next steps because Sengoku suddenly spoke.

"Be ready!" He ordered the executioners.

"Yes, Sir!" They both shouted in response. They then lifted their weapons over their heads, readying to end Ace's life.

I finished the key and placed it in Ace's hand for him to start working on his own cuffs.

Still invisible, I removed my sword from its sheath, and held my blade in one hand and the sheath in the other.

"Do it!" Sengoku commanded.

The executioners swung their blades down before it appeared that they were intercepted with air.

"W-what?!" One of them voiced their shock.

Deactivating my devil fruit, I reappeared, standing right behind Ace. I had my sword blocking the man on my right while I used my sheath to block the one on the left.

Their shock was short lived before they were both swept away by a sand current.

Slightly confused since I didn't do that, I looked at the plaza in front of us to see the sand man himself.

"Thanks for the assist, Crocy!" I shouted, seeing his slightly bloody figure.

He just smirked with his iconic cigar in his mouth.

"How dare you!" Sengoku snapped at me before directing his anger at Crocy. "You bastard! I thought having you gave us an advantage since you hold a grudge against Whitebeard. Crocodile!"

I heard a fire land somewhere above me, so I turned to see Marco in his half transformed state. "What's this?" I heard him speak with the rumble powers. "I thought this was my chance to show off. Ama beat me to the punch."

"Better luck next time!" I shouted up at him with a grin.

I focused back on the main event, seeing Crocy stand to his full height. The coat that was on his shoulders was swaying in the wind. He always was one for the dramatics.

"I can kill that old, dying buzzard later. But before that, I don't want to let you taste victory! Besides, I know a redhead who would be disappointed by that outcome." Crocy finished his speech giving me a short glance at the end.

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