Chapter 52: Trouble Making Trio

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***Amaya's POV***

After Ray-san's dramatic speech to Luffy, he turned his attention to Camie, saying that he would remove the explosive collar. Pappag and the others, mainly Usopp, were panicking, thinking that it wasn't a smart thing to try. I guess those two already forgot that Ray-san got rid of mine or simply didn't notice.

Usopp suggested waiting on Franky as he was currently tearing apart all the back rooms, looking for the keys. Ray-san, ignoring all the protests, did as he said and removed the collar. There was a small explosion that freaked them out, but Camie was perfectly fine.

"Hey, what's all this now?" Franky says, walking onto the stage. "Don't scare me like that!" He had a set of keys in one hand and my sword and leg pouch in his other. "Your collars and handcuffs are already off!" He said, shifting his eyes between me and Camie.

I flashed him a grin. "Yep! Thanks for finding my sword though!" I walk over to grab my things, securing my leg pouch on my leg and holding onto the sword.

This outfit is horrible! Not only is it not my style and revealing, but it doesn't even have a belt for practical uses. Whoever invented this outfit, I hope you step on a lego.

A small blur made herself visible, appearing upon my shoulder and animatedly squeaking about her opinions on my actions.

"Heh he, sorry to worry you Chi, but everything went to plan." I smile innocently, earning an indignant 'chi' from her.

"EH!!? You got captured on purpose?!" Chopper yelled. He must have overheard Chi.

I smile in response. "Yeah, that I did. It was a make-cash-fast scheme, right Ray-san?" I questioned the man as he chuckled in response.

"You're crazy!" Usopp screamed at me as I started to make my way over to Luffy. "Now wonder you two are best friends!" The long-nose finished in exasperation.

The rest of the crew still seemed fixated on Ray-san. No surprises there as this was their first encounter with haki. Ray-san made his way over to Hachi who was still laying on the ground, injured. The older man was concerned for his friend.

My attention went to my friend. "Sorry, if I worried you Lu. Nice punch by the way." I comment, jerking my thumb towards the fallen Celestial Dragon I robbed earlier.

"Shishishi," he gave his signature laugh. He then turned more serious. "Ama." He said.

"Hm?" I tilted my head in his direction to actually look at him instead of just standing next to him.

He just sighed. "Nevermind."

"Okay, then." I glanced up the stairs, seeing a couple of pirates I said I would meet earlier. "I'ma go say 'hi'." I said, walking up the stairs.

Seeing that I saw Law first, I stopped by the bench where he and his crew were sitting. "Yo! Sorry, I'm late. Got a little held up."

Law looked at me, unspeaking before heaving a sigh. "You're unbelievable." He finally said with slight humor behind his voice.

"Chi chi," she agreed.

"Really, Chi? That was a bit uncalled for."


"Fine, I won't do it again. Besides," I frown towards my clothes. "They have terrible taste in clothes." I grumble as I rub my arm. My skin was prickling with the cold, so I activated the flame fruit to warm up a bit.

"I think that's the only thing they did right, Ya-ya." Law smoothly voices, freezing me in place.

I glance back at the surgeon with a deadpan. "Yup, it's official. You're the shameless flirt."

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