Chapter 69: Water Fight

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***Amaya's POV***


The entry doors were slammed open.

"Neptune-sama!" The minister yelled as he was carried in on Brook's shoulder. "There was a kidnapping! Somebody kidnapped the Princess!"

"And pirates are falling like rain at the tower! In any event, they're your enemies! They're attacking!" Brook panicky finished.

"AHHHHH!" Usopp screeched.

"Somebody's making a raid now? What should we do?" Zoro asks.

"Why now?!" Usopp continued. "We're occupying the palace ourselves! Wh-What should we do?!" He asked Greenie. "No, don't answer!"

"I'll cut them."

"I said 'Don't answer'!"

"CHI CHi!" Chi shouts in Usopp's ear. She was rather annoyed with his yelling.

A hoard of no named pirates started to file through the door Brook just busted in from. They were all battered and bruised, likely due to their way of getting here, and each was armed with some kind of weapon.

"In order to survive..." one of them mumbles zombie-like. "We have to open the gate at any cost!" He finished with determination lacing his voice.

"Th-They're here!" Usopp stuttered.

We started fighting, knocking one down right after the next. Despite how many we knocked down, more seemed to take their place, creating a never ending stream of annoying adversaries.

"What's wrong with these guys?" Usopp complains slightly out of breath.

"One after another..." Brook trails off.

"Why do we always get involved in trouble?" Nami laments, holding her head.

"Stop whining, Nami! The battle is on already!" Zoro declares. "They keep attacking us so we have no choice."

"Shut up, Zoro! We don't wanna get ourselves into more trouble than we already have!"

"I'll admit. It's been annoying having to hold back on these morons." I agree. I haven't used any abilities since all the people here are only grunts. They were just swarming.

"What's wrong with pirates fighting pirates? There's no crime." Zoro voices.

He's actually not wrong. Hm, Zoro's changed quite a bit now that I'm now longer only seeing him while training.

"Boy, he never learns!" Usopp speaks to himself before turning to the intruders. "Guys, you're barely clinging to life. Why do you wanna fight so badly? Let's settle this peacefully."

"Do you think they'll give up that easily?" Greenie interrupts.

The guys we previously knocked down forced themselves back up. They were nearly as tenacious as the zombies that we encountered back at Thriller Bark, nearly. They were just as ugly though.

"The switch for the gateway..." they continued to speak like a mantra.

"If we can't open it, they'll kill us."

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!!" They charged full swing once again.

"Ahhh!!" Usopp, Nami, and Papaguy start to scream.

"Let me join too! Ahhh!" Brook joined in, copying the same pose as the others with their hands in the air and jaws dropped.

I shake my head with a Chi, seeing Chi put her paws over her ears on Usopp's shoulder before going to work. Greenie and I started to knock them all out one by one until Brook joined in. It take long for Nami and Usopp to snap out of it too.

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