Chapter 65: YOU'RE ALIVE?!?!

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Previously on The Copyist:

Seeing that Boa's ship blocked the marine's view, Amaya dropped the veil hiding her ship. The bright red plane made its appearance in the sky.

"Is that?" Nami asked, looking in the direction of the plane.

"But she's-" Usopp didn't finish as they were all thinking the same thing: But she died.

Luffy's gaze was fixated on the aircraft, needing to know who was inside.

Amaya slowed her flight path, coming to a landing on the deck. Wasting no time she jumped out of the craft and landed on the deck.

"Hey guys! Mind if I hitch a ride?" She smiled at the stunned crew.

***Amaya's POV***

"AHHHH! It's a ghost!" Usopp and Chopper screamed before passing out on deck.

"You're alive!" Nami shouted, running over to snatch me up in a tight hug.

"Yow! It's good to see ya, Ama!" Franky added, striking a pose.

Robin's eyes were misting slightly as she smiled at me. "I'm glad you made it Miss Aviator."

"A goddess! A fiery beautiful goddess from heaven!" Sonja's blood was spraying through the air, rather than staying inside his body. He too soon joined Usopp and Chopper on the deck floor. I saw Zero snicker at the fallen blonde.

I glanced over to Luffy, having not heard a word yet from my best friend.

He was just staring, and his face showed his disbelief. It was like he was trying not to let himself hope.

Reaching out my free hand that wasn't being smothered by Nami, I gestured to Luffy. He didn't move until Chi slapped her tail across his face.

His eyes watered uncontrollably as he slung his arms in my direction. Nami, seeing his hands grip my shoulders, quickly let go of her hug. Luffy slingshotted over before wrapping his arms around my torso a few times over.

"AMA! You're- You're alive! But I saw- I saw-" He started to sob.

"Shh," I started to run my fingers through his hair as I returned the hug. "I'm here."

Chi chilled on Luffy's shoulder throughout our hug. After a few minutes, Luffy finally calmed down enough to unwrap his arms.

"So, can I tag along with you and your crew to Fishman Island?" I question Luffy.

He gave the biggest smile. "Of course!" He turned to face his crew. "Next stop, Fishman Island!" He declared, pumping his fist into the air.

I turned my attention to securing my plane to the ship with Franky's assistance. It was a good thing he helped since Luffy was clinging onto me like a kola.

"Looks like you've upgraded." The cyborg comments about the plane.

I looked at his larger form. "I could say the same about you." I laugh at his proud expression.

Once the plane was secured, I used the illusion barrier to hide the craft.

"Phwww," Franky whistled. "Handly ability."

I chuckle. "You have no idea." I agreed with a smile.

"Okay!, let's get ready to set sail now!" Nami spurred the group into action.

"Got it Nami-swan!" Sanji hopped into action.

The lion paw anchors started to be pulled up, realizing the Thousand Sunny from her years of rest.

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