Chapter 25: Giant Jack

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***Amaya's POV***

As I was attempting to mourn my air board my ears kept picking up the strangest sounds. I felt that I could hear panicking people stampeding in the far distance.

    A little close I felt that I could hear Luffy, complaining as he continued to fall. Even closer it sounded like Usopp and Sanji. Usopp was complaining about not liking something and that it wouldn't come off. Sanji sounded like he was climbing something with a goal in mind, but I couldn't tell what.

    I think the loss of my board has started to cause me to hallucinate. This isn't good. I shook my head, hoping to return to normal, but it didn't work. Instead, Sanji and Usopp sounded even closer than before.

    Usopp sounded like he was struggling before Sanji told him to 'shut up!' and 'Don't swing, dummy'. What on earth is going on with those two?

    I rub my temples unfamiliar with these new signals. Wait...signals? Is this the power of the Rumble Rumble Fruit that Eneru explained? Does that mean that those two are actually close?

    My questions were soon answered when a new blonde appeared over the side railing.

    "Nami-san!" He called as he hopped over.

    I sweatdrop at his entrance. "Uh, Sanji. She's not here. She's down below with Zoro and the others." I explained.

    "Ama-chan?" He asks, surprised to see me here on the ship. "What are you doing here?"

    "Don't speak so familiar with my future goddess." Eneru interrupts my answer.

    His statement seemed to grab Sanji's attention. "Goddess?" He questions.

    "He said that I would fit the role in the future. I came here to become stronger." I answered his earlier question and hidden one, hopefully he'll catch on to what I mean.

    Sadly, I don't think he did. His glare seemed stuck on the long eared man.

    "I'm kinda busy. Be gone." Eneru tells Sanji, creating a large attack as he does so.

    "Special Attack Exploding Star!" A recognizable long nose shouted. Eneru didn't get the chance to fire his attack before it exploded on his face, blocking his vision. "I-I'm sorry." Usopp stutters out already fearful of retaliation.

    Eneru had a worrisome expression. He stood unmoving. It was an eerie calm before the storm. Usopp seemed to also sense the change, so he ran to where he was standing behind Sanji away from Eneru.

    Eneru finally snapped out of whatever was stalling him. "Seems you came for nothing since the one you thought was here isn't." He comments. "As you can see it's only my goddess and I here." He said, pointing in my direction.

    Uh, hello, excuse me, but when did you change my supposed title from future goddess to goddess. I don't recall even accepting the first proposal, much less getting married Mr. Thunderdolt.

    "So what?" Sanji challenges. "A lady is in need, and she's a friend no less. I'll protect her even with my life." He finished as he fished out a cigarette to stick into his mouth.

    "Oh? In that case let's test your resolve." Eneru smirked before stretching his arm in my direction as he sparked it up.

    My eyes widened, seeing that he was targeting me. It was a trick and he knew it! He knew I couldn't get hurt by him. "Sanji don't!" I yelled, but it was too late.

    Sanji was already in front of me, taking the large hit that Eneru discharged.

    It didn't hurt just like last time. My body simply acknowledges that something happened. Standing in front of me was Sanji's blackened form from the blast.

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