Chapter 32: Trapped on a Train

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***Amaya's POV***

 Pain, that was the first thing I felt once I regained consciousness. Something I'm not used to in the slightest. I have a weak tolerance to it since I grew up with a logia type devil fruit in my system.

The sound of a chugging train and water splashing were the next things I registered. After figuring out what the sound was, I realized that I was in motion as well.

Great, just great. I'm on the sea train aren't I?

Slowly opening my eyes to adjust to the littering train lights, I look around. The light was coming from the ceiling lights on the train. I glance out the window next to me only to see harsh waves, wind, and a darkened sky.

"I see you're finally awake, Amaya. Are you okay?" A familiar voice asks beside me. Swiveling my head, I see Usopp tied up inside a sack. Now that I'm noticing, I'm also in a sack and still cuffed with sea prism.

I'd sigh, but my energy is too low for it with these stupid cuffs. "I've been better. I've got cuffs on underneath the sack, so I'm drained." I glance at him, taking in his injuries. "How are your injuries? Did they get irritated?"

"Nothing a brave warrior like me can't handle." He bluffed his answer, yet the slight wheeze in his voice gave away his true state.

"You know this chick?" A semi-familar voice questions the long nose. It was like a voice I hadn't heard in a long time, yet I could immediately recognize. My eyes shifted to see a larger man, also tied up in a sack, with blue hair and metal nose: Franky.

"She's a friend, but why would they take you?" Usopp asks me.

I huff. "My plane. They want to know how to fly, but I'll die before that happens. What about you guys?"

"Wrong Place, Wrong Time." Usopp states.

"Really? Why do I feel like you summed up a lot in that statement?"

I couldn't tell for sure because of the sack, but I think he shrugged his shoulders. I looked back at Franky, curious how he would answer since he's meeting me for the first time.

He didn't seem to know what to say.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I say to the cyborg. "I'm sure it's important if they're willing to take you by force. Nice to meet you, my name's Amaya, but you can call me Ama if you like." I introduce myself properly with a small smile.

"Yaw! Franky! Nice to meet ya!" He yelled expressively. He seemed to calm down. "What was this 'plane' you were talking about? You said it could fly." He seemed curious.

"Indeed..." My voice trailed off along with what little energy I woke up with. "I'll explain some other time if you don't mind. These sea prism cuffs are sapping all my strength."

"Now that you mention it. You do look rather pale. Does sea prism affect you extra because of the nature of your powers?" Usopp wonders.

"Yes, the more I gain, the stronger the effect of the stone. I'd prefer the ocean to this since I've built a small immunity to it." I close my eyes in exhaustion, but stay awake.

"Powers?" Franky calls to attention.

"Usopp, explain."

"Ama's a devil fruit user, but her fruit allows her to-" he was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

All of our heads snapped in the direction of the door even if I was sluggish in doing so. Expecting to see a government official, I was happily surprised to see a familiar blonde.

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