Chapter 39: Water Seven's Wonders

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***Amaya's POV***

Today was yet another day of waiting while Franky continued to build the new ship. I decided to spend the day training. I started with basic exercises to start getting my legs in shape for the new techniques I learned from Garp.

Afterwards, I decided to climb a tall building to start practicing listening to things from a long distance with the Rumble Rumble powers. I figured once I tired of it, I could start channeling it into objects to make various weapons later on. I mean why not try it if I know it's a possibility, right? Thanks for something Enel.

So here I am sitting on a roof with Chi in my lap, chilling as I concentrated on picking up the waves in the air.

"300 Berries?! Ya gotta be kiddn' me!? Ya think I was born yesterday?!" I tuned in to an angry voice.

"No, sir. That's the market price-" I tuned back out of the boring conversation, looking for one of interest. After about twenty different frequencies? Is that what I can call it? Oh well whatever, I finally found one worth listening in on.

"Why do I have to become a big brother to brats like you?" I heard a familiar swordsman's voice.

Thud Thud

"Now don't be like that. Having seen you beat marines, we've taken quite a liking to you!" A young, male's voice responds.

A grin makes its way upon my face. "Oh now that's gonna have to be investigated. Come on Chi."

We dash across the treetops, wanting to get some extra leg training in. I head in the direction that I last heard the voices only to come up short. I must have missed them.

I try to tune back in, using the waves in the air.

"You guys have got quite a reputation." Zoro comments.

"The townspeople are clueless." The same younger voice from earlier responds.

"They can say whatever they want about us. We don't care." Another high pitched voice added.

"Oh, yeah? Good for you then. Well then, take care." Zoro dismisses them.

"Wh-what do ya mean!" The first semi-shouted at him.

"Are you abandoning your dear little brothers?!" The second questions.

"Like I said, I don't remember becoming your big brother!!" Zoro gripes at the two.

"Oh? Did you say something?" The first feigned ignorance, followed by the second.

"We can't hear anything."

"Woah!! What the hell is that?!" I hear Zoro shout before tuning out.

Rubbing my ears in complaint, I sigh. "I really need more practice in this. It's painful when someone yells."

Chi just rolled her eyes.

"Gee, thanks for the support. Anyways, I found them. Shall we?"

"Chi," she nodded her head in agreement before the take off once more over the rooftops.

When we arrived, Zoro was surrounded by several children, along with a lady who appeared to be their caretaker.

"Guys, this is Big Bro Zoro!" One of the boys introduced him to the others.

"He's our new oldest brother!" The second finished.

"Oldest brother? Don't tell me you want me to be your big brother for real?"

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