Chapter 63: A Dark Gloomy Castle: Wish Granted

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***Amaya's POV***

I soon entered a naturally dark airspace. Fog was dispersed throughout the cold air. This must be the island that Chi and Zoro landed on, which means I've reached Gloom Island.

Honestly though that name was meh but who am I to judge. At least it's fitting.

I circled the island, letting the peeping moonlight provide the visables. The island was covered in ruins as if a large war took place here long ago. Robin would love this place, judging by the types of ruins that were scattered and immersed within the dirt. I'll have to check those out later, so I could tell her all about it.

There was only one structure that stood tall and seemingly unscathed: a dark gloomy castle. That must be where they are.

I brought the plane to a landing on the outskirts of the forest that surrounded the castle.

Stepping out of the plane, I concealed it, using the illusion fruit. No need to chance any curious people or wildlife messing with it. I started to make my way to the castle.

Deciding to keep things more of a surprise, I activated the clear fruit. I entered the castle's front entrance, the large door creaking as I slowly pushed it open.

There wasn't anyone around to notice. I made my way around the castle, looking for any room that appeared familiar or at least inhabited.

The first room with some light in it was a study. Sitting in a large chair in the middle of the room was Mihawk himself.

He wasn't wearing his iconic hat, but his large sword was nearby. His golden eyes were sweeping across the newspaper in front of him. One hand held the newspaper and the other held a glass of wine.

I decided to enter the room, luckily for me the door was already partially open. I was able to slip in without moving anything around. I walked over, slightly surprised that he hadn't noticed me yet.

Sitting on the couch to his left, I glanced at his drink as he took a sip.

"That looks good. Can I have some?" I question, becoming visible once again.

His golden eyes popped as he nearly choked on the wine. After he regained his bearings he looked at the wine in his hand then me then back to the wine.

"Have I had too much?" He quietly questioned himself.

I burst out laughing, startling the man even further. Wiping my eyes slightly, I spoke. "Don't worry. You're not drunk."

His demeanor completely changed. "How are you here? How are you even alive, Sky Goddess?" He questioned, not taking his eyes away from my figure.

"Magic", I waved my hands through the air.

His eyebrow raised.

"Not buying it?" I ask.

He shook his head.

I sigh. "Fine. Like this!" I snapped my fingers, making myself disappear and an illusion cast simultaneously. I caused a smoke screen for the rest of the room, so it wouldn't distract from the scene.

The sudden scene was that moment back at Marineford. The sounds echoed around the room matching the varied colors and movements, starting with the annoying speech from manga mouth as he approached Ace.

I skipped through the majority of it. As the scene played out as it did in real life, there was one difference. The real Ace and I were visible to the audience of one in the room throughout the story.

Naturally, I left out sentimental moments like the one I had with Whitebeard, and the time our fake selfs spoke to Luffy. Once it was clear how we made our escape, the illusion evaporated.

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