Chapter 72: Treasure Hunt Gone Bad

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***Amaya's POV***

The fun party life didn't last long as Jimbe gathered everyone to discuss updates on the world while the Straw Hats were away. The first of the two big pieces of news was that there was a new head of the Marines: Akainu. The rat that tried to kill Ace.

Luckily for me, I already knew this piece of information. When I was on Gloomy island with Hawkeye and Perona, Hawkeye kept me in the loop of world news. He loved to sit and read the paper when he wasn't training me to the bone.

After I heard the news, I got in contact with Ace to deliver a message to the man with a proposition. Time will tell if he accepts or not, but there's no rush at this point.

The second piece of information was that the Blackbeard pirates were now considered one of the four emperors of the sea. They were on a hunt for people with powerful devil fruits as they could somehow steal them by killing the original wielder.

So far they haven't targeted anyone that I've copied powers from, which was good news for me. I doubt I'd be one of the targeted for two reasons. One, I'm supposed to be dead, according to the world, and two, my power would be useless to them if they can somehow already take the power.

After Jimbe caught everyone up to date, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and I sensed an odd presence nearby. We followed the trail to Shirahoshi's room. The swamp man who was a prisoner of ours when we arrived on this island was attempting to kidnap the mermaid.

The moron acknowledged us before he continued his pursuit, chuckling his weird and disturbing laugh. When his brain caught up with his actions, he started sweating bullets at our presence.

Luffy gave a single swift punch towards the man, sending his flying off the castle, the castle's bubble, and all the space in between. As the minister was profusely thanking us, he let it slip that that man was also a treasure thief. Nami wasted no time in pounding the four of us after the thief, making us too fly through the air.

"Hey look! Ama, Zoro, Sanji! There he is! That was easy!" Luffy said, pointing to the bloodied man on the ground.

"Well, he's not wrong." I comment, earning a snicker from Greenie.

"He got knocked out cold already by your punch. How pathetic!" Greenie adds on.

All around the man were hoards of treasure. Gold coins, crowns, jewels, literal chests of goods were just laying around.

"There is so much treasure scattered around here." Sanji speaks. "Is that furry king really going to give us all of this?"

"Cool! We can buy lots of meat!" Luffy exclaims, lifting a treasure chest above his head.

"I can't believe he was storing all of this in his gloopy body." Greenie mentions.

I pocket the small gold bar after he said that. "Great, now I don't even want to touch it." I give a fake shudder. Despite what I said, I snagged a few more pieces of jewels into my pockets without the others noticing. Call it life insurance for facing Nami later.

The guys packed all the treasure into three humongous sacks before heaving them over their backs. They almost fell over backwards when they first tried to pick them up.

"Alright! Let's go back to the palace!" Luffy orders.

"How?" Greenie questions.

"We need a flying fish." Sanji reminds Lu.

"Which way is the town, Zoro?" Lu questions.

"That way."

"Try again, Greenie."

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