Chapter 27: Welcome to G-8, Psych!

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***Amaya's POV***

After remembering, I rushed back to my plane. I removed the thunderdial from the console, so that if they capture the plane it would be useless for them. I couldn't take any chances of it falling into enemy hands.

I slipped the thunder dial into my backpack along with my other dials before throwing it on my back. I then grabbed my sword and air board. I'm so glad Usopp found it! I was even happier to find out that it wasn't even damaged. Not trying to pat myself on the back, but I built it good!

I slipped my sword onto my belt, and Chi hopped on my shoulder. Now we were ready for whatever was going to come. The only details I could remember about this place was that the marines would steal the Strawhats gold, and that it would end up in the main captain's office, which is not a lot to go on.

After everyone realized we were surrounded, we seemed to have the same idea: run! We all scattered in different directions, hurrying off the boat. Robin covered our escape by sending her flower hands to turn their attention elsewhere. I helped out by creating a smoke screen for the others to hide within.

Chi and I bolted using the air board, Nami her waver, and everyone else did something I'm sure. I wasn't really paying attention to them, rather where I was headed.

Since I was hidden in the smoke, I used my illusion powers to cover Chi and I. "Chi they won't be able to see us, but they will be able to hear us." I explained to the cloudfox, so she wouldn't accidentally blow our cover.

"Chi," she nodded her head in understanding.

With this ability we would be able to stay out in the open without having to worry about being seen. It will make it easier to scope the place out.

The night was long and boring. I didn't find anyone else. The only activity came from the marines. They taped off about every part of the boat and my plane with yellow caution tape that read 'keep out'. I found it ironic, seeing that there were always about twenty of them on board at a time.

Their commander also went to the boat at some point. He thoroughly checked out the number of coffee cups that Sanji had prepared for the crew before we were forced to disperse. I'm glad I specifically requested not to have any coffee, or else the commander would have an accurate number of hidden people by the number of cups.

I was impressed with this commander's knowledge. He was even able to tell that the ship had been to Jaya recently based on the type of coffee Sanji had brewed. He was also able to identify the South Bird that had remained on the ship. This man had way too much free time to study.

When morning came, they started to pull the Going Merry towards dock 88. The huge sign gave it away, but I guess it was necessary for new ships to know where to go.

I decided to look around the base since it was now possible with sunlight. The base was enclosed with one main door, but that in itself seemed too easy to get around. There had to be something else. There was a bridge that connected surrounding land to the inner piece of land. Lastly, there were well over a hundred cannons planted throughout the wall's defenses. Fun.

I saw two people with familiar colored hair open one of the doors that led to an outside balcony. It was Nami and Zoro. I steered my air board over towards them, so I could hear them. They were still unable to see me because of the illusion fruit. I decided that I would keep this power a secret from everyone until the proper time.

I was able to see them properly before hearing. For some reason, Nami was carrying Zoro's swords and dressed in what looked like a janitor's uniform. Zoro seemed his usual self save for the missing swords that were usually on his person.

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