Chapter 51: Auction of Action

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I searched all around the upper grooves until I found the man gambling. He had just been cleared out of all his money.

    Walking up to the man who I knew sensed me, I introduced myself. "Ray-san, my name is Amaya Fukui. Can I have a minute of your time?" I ask, taking a seat next to the man at the gambling table.

    "Fukui? Now that's a name that I haven't heard in a while." He renimases.

    "That's not surprising seeing as the only other people who bear the name were wiped out almost twenty years ago. I'm the last one." I state.

"Arocana wasn't it?" He questioned as if this were a normal conversation.


"Now what would the last survivor of an impressive island as that want with a washed up old man like me?" He pondered with a hint of humor with his weathered voice. 

I gave a light laugh at his description.

"ChI CHi cHi," she asked me in confirmation.

"Yeah, that's him. He's just undercover." I explain, earning a raised eyebrow from the silver haired man. "I think we both know that you being a normal old man wasn't always the case, right Dark King?" I whisper towards the end. "Don't worry, that will be the only time I say that name. I'll stick with Ray-san if that's alright?" I finished.

He gave a hearty chuckle. "You would indeed be correct. Seeing as you have a cloudfox too, you must be Kazaku's and Amanda's daughter. You're a spitting image of them with your father's hair and your mother's eyes."

A single tear escaped my eye before I wiped it away. "Yeah, that's me. Does that mean you knew them?"

"I did, but that's a story for another time. What can I do for you?"

I nod my head in agreement despite wanting to hear the story. "I was hoping that you would teach me haki or rather you would let me have your knowledge on the subject?" I ask. "You're familiar with the devil fruit that my island was protective of, right?"

His eye glinted in recognition. "I take it you ate that fruit?"

"Yes, it was one of their final gifts to me."

"I see." He brought his hand to his chin in thought. "I'm not interested in younger girls ya know?" He quirked an eyebrow.

My face twisted in disgust at the thought. "Glad we're both on the same page. I'd take the kiss on the top of my head if you agree. I'd consider you my grandpa before a potential lover." I established my expectation.

He laughed. "I was just kidding, but you sounded just like Amanda." Glad mom also had some sense.

I gesture in waiting for his reply to my request.

"Very well. I'll accept, but on one condition."

"Which would be?"

He motioned to the gambling table that he was sitting at. "As you can see, I've been cleaned out. I need you to loan me some cash."

I sweatdrop at the simple condition, but then sighed in remembrance. "Unfortunately, I don't have any on me." That was the truth as all four cases of my money were on the Sunny.

The famous pirate legend deflated at my statement before he started to eye me with interest.

Weirded out slightly, I comment. "I thought we already established that you were like a grandpa to me."

He waved his hand, dismissing the thought. "Say, you have a large bounty on your head, don't cha?" He suddenly asked.

I don't like where this is going. "Yeah, last I checked it was 400,000,000 Berries." I say with skepticism.

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