Chapter 24: Ark Maxim

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***3rd Person POV***

The giant snake lays on top of many buildings, looking fried to a crisp from the earlier lightning attack from Eneru. All of a sudden one of the eyelids open, revealing a blank yellow eye. Standing in the middle of the eye on the inside is Luffy and a little Shardian girl who was stuck with him inside the beast.

Feeling the presence of the two insides its eye, the beast's eye starts to water, making Luffy and the little girl retreat deeper into the beast. Luffy then punches him from within, causing it to open its large mouth and dropping him, the little girl, and Pierre in the process.

Pierre, in his bird form, catches the little girl in the air before he faceplants into the stone ground beneath. Luffy also fell but bounced from the impact of falling.

Luffy then jumps up and scales a large building's stone steps to reach higher ground, screaming in the process. Once he reaches the top, he grins largely and raises his arms in triumph.

"We're out!! Oh, look! Where are we? It looks like ruins." Luffy realizes. "So it's here? The huge golden bell?"

"Could this place be our homeland?" The little girl who followed him up the stairs wonders.

"Oh, yeah? You guys are amazing!" Luffy compliments. "Oh? What's that? There's a huge hole." He then stops before leaping over to the scene.

"Luffy! Wait for me!" The little girl called after him.

Luffy raced over to his fallen friends who were still passed out on the ground. His first stop was the swordsman.

"Zoro! Hey! What're you doing?!" He started to shake him by his shoulders in concern. "How could this happen...when you were here?"

"Luffy!" Nami calls, seeing that her captain had arrived.

The little girl then joined the scene with Pierre. She saw Wyper in a crater, and started to cry over him.

"Even the bazooka guy? He was really strong, too. Who did this to everyone?!" Luffy asks.

"It's Eneru!" The little girl exclaims. "It has to be! He's the only one who would do something like this!"

Luffy helped her get out of the hole, using his abilities.

"It was Eneru." Nami clarifies the situation for the strawhat.

Luffy looked at his crewmate. "Eneru... is he that god guy?" Luffy questioned.

Robin then started to stir from her spot on the ground, gaining Luffy and Nami's attention.

"Aviator... was taken." She weakly reports. She then tried to sit up.

"W-wait don't rush! So Ama was taken by the god guy? No way! She wouldn't go without a fight!" He declared.

"She did it to keep me safe." Nami supplied. "She made a bet with him to spare my life. She somehow managed to survive his attack, but she still had to go with him." Nami explained.

"Where?!" Luffy asks, worried about the redhead.

"Chi!" A squeak then sounded, bounding for the rubber man. She was coming from the direction that Amaya and Eneru had left in. She then stopped in front of him, earning his attention.

"Chi? What are you doing here?" Luffy questioned.

The cloudfox started to go on a mini rant, explaining what she was doing and what was going on.

"Ah, Chi?" Luffy stops her halfway. "Sorry, but I can't understand you." Luffy bluntly says.

Chi seemed to deflate at the statement. She was worried about her best friend.

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