Chapter 73: The Crying Snail

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***Amaya's POV***

My eyes creaked open. What happened? I wearily think to myself. I looked around to see that I was in the girls' cabin on the Sunny. I try to sit up, but my body is so stiff like I haven't moved in days. Wait...

What's the last thing I remember? Hmm...

I remember us leaving Fish Man Island, earning a sorrowful farewell from the Princess and her brothers in the process. I was sweet, wholesome, and annoying all in one.

I also remember the journey back to the surface where we were surrounded by a large pod of whales. Brook went slightly historical, thinking that Laboon might be one of the whales since many were covered in battle scars. The whales really enjoyed the music that Brook and I started to play for them.

We then got an express pass to the surface in the form of a nasty underwater current. Our predicament wasn't much better once we hit the surface.

One second it was happy-go-lucky sunshine, followed by a literal typhoon. The only thing more bi-polar than the weather were the orders snapped out by Nami. If I hadn't copied her weather knowledge in the past, I would have thought she'd gone crazy.

Once the weather temporarily settled, we discovered a stowaway on the ship. She was teeny tiny as she was the holder of the mini-mini fruit. Apparently her original size was that of a giant as she was one herself. She was trying to save her father.

Lu was uninterested until he learned that the man had a famous meat recipe. Then all of a sudden that was the current focus of our journey. Needless to say, things escalated. There was a rescue, a counterattack from the enemy, then BAM Lu was humongous as he fought his opponent.

I remember at the end of that fight Lily, the holder of the mini-mini fruit, was falling from the sky. Not wanting her to get injured, I jumped up to catch her in my hands. Her mini body face planted into my palm.

Ahhh, so that's what happened. Her lips came in contact with my skin, which is why I passed out. I copied a new devil fruit. I sigh. At least it's a useful one, but that means that my limit is only approaching that much quicker. I'm now at eleven devil fruits.

Guess the cat's out of the bag now. I bet Greenie told the others just like he said he would. Sigh.


"Oh, Ama! You're awake!" Nami calls as she and Robin walk in.

"I'm glad to see you didn't die in your sleep, Miss Aviator." Robin chimes in.

I grin at her ever dark humor. "Glad to be up. What'd I miss?"

"Besides Luffy and the others freaking out over you being asleep for eleven days and freaky weather, not much. Geez, you really need to stop worrying us!" She complained at the end.

"Sorry 'bout that." I grin, rubbing the back of my head. "I'm afraid that's out of my control at this point."

"I was surprised to hear that you had a limit to your ability. Although in hindsight, it's not that much of a surprise." Robin comments.

"Right! Me too!" Nami agreed. "What happens when you hit your limit? Zoro didn't mention anything besides the after effects of you copying new abilities."

"Well..." I glance to the side before looking back at them. "I'll die."


"Do me a favor tho and don't tell Lu. He would likely become overprotective." I continue after their stunned silence.

Robin smirks. "Not just Luffy, I imagine. I know a certain swordsman and chef who would fall under that same category. Even knowing the circumstances, Zoro was rather worried. Sanji wasn't much better, but he focused on coordinating with Chopper to make sure you got the nutrients you needed while you were asleep."

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