Chapter 10: The Idol has What!?!

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(Wait to play the song, until mentioned later in the chapter.)

***Amaya's POV***

After a couple days of flying, Chi and I finally found an island that we could land on. We passed several different islands, but there were either lots of navy ships or there was no safe place to land.

This island was packed with tourists, which made it easy to blend in having different kinds of clothes from the locals. Chi stayed in my backpack, so she wouldn't draw attention.

I poked a couple of holes all around the bag, so that she would be able to see all the new things with me.

There were posters everywhere advertising some pop star named Ann. She had green hair and purple eyes. They contrasted nicely against each other. Her hair was separated into twin tails that were rather fluffy.

Apparently Ann was having a concert on this island later that night. Oh well doesn't really matter to me. I'm here to restock on food and sleep in a real bed for the night.

I went into a store to start buying fruits and dried meats for the road. While I was selecting some things, I overheard some fans talking.

"I'm so excited for tonight!"

"Right not only is her singing amazing, but she's going to use her devil fruit for the performance!
"No way really!? She could do anything with the illusion fruit. It'll be quite the show."

The rest of their conversation fell on deaf ears. I was too focused on what type of fruit mentioned. An illusion fruit? That would be perfect if I could use it right! I could use it to get around places hidden. If I could use it on a large scale, I might even be able to save Ace at Marineford in a few years.

I've got to meet this star! How can I meet Ann?! I guess I'll just sneak in and try to strike a deal.


I've dressed in a nicer outfit to make it appear that I belong backstage. I left Chi back at the plane in case I get chased out or something.

I somehow managed to walk all the way to Ann's dressing room without a problem. That's odd. Aren't pop stars usually heavily protected? I was confused, but nevertheless I knocked on the door.

"One minute!" A voice called from the inside.

I heard some scuffling on the other side of the door before some footsteps started to approach the door. The door opened and Ann appeared in a concert outfit.

"Hello! How can I help you?" Ann asks all smiles.

I was stunned at the lack of self preservation. Wouldn't someone worry about kidnappers?

I shook my head to focus on the person awaiting my response. "Hello, my name is Amaya. I was hoping to make a deal with you."

"Oh, come on in! Tell me all about it!"

I entered her dressing room and took a seat in one of her extra chairs. She started to continue getting ready for her concert that was in an hour.

I waited patiently for her to speak. Only five minutes passed by without her making a move. I cleared my throat slightly to get her attention.

She startled for a second before seeing me and calming down. "I'm so sorry!" She apologized. "I always forget what was going on, unless people remind me." She pushed her pointer fingers together in embarrassment.

I laughed. "That's alright! No worries. I came with a strange request, but I'll do a single favor for you in return."

"What's the request?" She asked.

"I was hoping you would allow me to copy your devil fruit. My devil fruit is the copy copy fruit, so I'm able to copy other devil fruit abilities. I only have one other, but I would love to have yours."

"Why do you want illusion powers? It's not very strong?" She asks with a tilted head.

"I want to use it to save someone special to me." I said with determination.

"All his life he has been crushed by his father's legacy, and it's that same legacy that will try to kill him. I want to use your ability to save him." I bowed my head in her direction. "Please, give me the chance to save my best friend."

"Of course you can copy it! I was just curious! I don't really care one way or another!" She said cheerfully.

I sweatdropped but didn't complain in the slightest. "What would you like in return?" I ask.

"Can you sing?" She suddenly asks with sparkles in her eyes.

"Yeah, I like to sing to pass the time." I answer.

"Great! Perform with me tonight! I'll let you copy my power in advance, but I want you to sing with me tonight. I need someone to do the second part." She states.

"Deal! Wait, if you knew you needed someone else to sing with you. What were you going to do if I didn't come?" I question.

"I figured it would work out somehow!" She replied.

I shook my head in amusement. Sounds like something Luffy would say. "Anyways for me to copy your power I need you to kiss my hand please." I raised my hand in her direction.

"Okay!" She grabbed my hand and gave it a quick kiss. "That it?" She asks skeptical.

I felt the powers of the illusion devil fruit copy within me. "Yup! That's it, thanks!" I smile. "Now show me what song I'm singing with you. We've only got 45 minutes till show time."

She grabbed a paper. "Here read this, while I style you up!" She said with an excited grin.

I started to read the music, hoping that I don't regret allowing her to dress me up.

Time ran out quickly and it was showtime. I was next to her on stage, acting like a fog machine to help create the mood. After a couple of her songs, she motioned for me to join her.

During the song, Ann created illusions to tell the story of the girl's dilemma within the song. I sang the first part of the worried one, while she sang the second part.

It was a lot of fun, despite how slow it was. I never really understood love songs, but at least this one's message was easy to understand.

After the concert, I slipped out of the venue and returned to my plane. I left without saying goodbye to Ann since she was swarmed with fans. I'm glad no one would want my autograph like that. Talk about pressure.

Chi and I decided to head out sooner rather than later and head to the North Blue. I was hoping to find a certain surgeon. Let's just hope it won't be my death when I do.


A shorter chapter, but important. Hope you enjoyed! Until Next Time...


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