Chapter 30: Luffy's Decision

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***Amaya's POV***

When I returned to the Going Merry, Chopper and Sanji had arrived as well. They were on the deck, talking to Zoro.

"Hey, guys. I'm back." I call as I land next to them.

"Ama-chan!" Sanji said in surprise.

"Hey, Chopper get some medical supplies ready. I think we have a problem." I get to the point. He rushed off to prepare his medical kit.

"What's wrong?" Zoro questions.

"Everyone!" Nami yells in the distance, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Nami-san. Hm? Looks like she's alone. What happened to Usopp and Luffy?"

"That's what I was going to say. Usopp's missing along with a large amount of money. We think he was taken by the Franky Family." I explain

"Ama's right!" Nami calls down from below. "Usopp was hurt! We need to go!"

Chopper then came out with his backpack all prepared.

"I'll stay with the ship. You guys go." I offered, earning some nods in return before they all left.

Well RIP the Franky Family. That's one thing you'll definitely regret, missing with the nakama of the Strawhats.

I went to sit against the weathered wood, leading against the mast of the ship. Chi scampered over to me before plopping into my lap.

"Chi?" She tilts her head in question.

"Why I didn't go? Well, I figured that this was a family affair, and we aren't a part of their crew."

"Chi," she responded in understanding.

"Besides," I close my eyes. "It's not like they'll need the help."

"Chi chi chi," she laughs, remembering what I told her about the future.

The sway of the ship along with the warm sun beckoned me to sleep, so I did. Letting the last thing I heard was Chi's laughter and the lull of the waves.

***3rd Person***

The Franky House had already explored from the chaos that happened within. The Strawhats that were a part of the raid stood unscathed from the battle.

Chopper had just finished giving Usopp first aid from his gruesome injuries, wrapping him like a mummy.

Sanji and Zoro made small talk about their current troubles until Luffy spoke.

"About the ship... I've made a decision." He claimed as seagulls flew overhead. He was standing on top of a piece of wreckage from the former house, overlooking the ocean. "Let's say the Going Merry here." He declared.

***Amaya's POV***

I woke up, hearing the group returning with an unconscious Usopp. I stood up to walk over to Chopper.

"Chopper, would you like some help taking care of him?"

He nodded his head in agreement to my offer. "Can you start preparing some of the medical herbs for his external wounds?"

I followed Sanji and Zoro who were carrying Usopp on a stretcher. "You got it doc." I salute before getting to work.

I ended up checking his internal injuries along with making two different salves for his wounds when the night was over. After Usopp was taken care of, I went to my room to pass out.

Morning came, and I awoke to the sound of Chopper yelling that Usopp had woken up.

"Really?! Good!" Luffy raises both his fists in the air in excitement.

The Copyist (One Piece & OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें