Chapter 70: Oh, Another Masterplan

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***Amaya's POV***

A chill seeped into my bones as a deep chuckle resonated nearby, slowly waking me up. I was drained of energy, feeling sea prism cuffs on my bound wrists. The chuckling was eerie.

My eyes cracked open, allowing me to see a set of uneven bars in front of me. Great, another cell. Behind the bars a pair of ridiculing eyes met with mine.

"Oh, has the glorious sky goddess awakened?" Hordy's tone was ladened with large amounts of sarcasm.

I didn't waste my breath in response. It wouldn't matter what I said or how I said it. He would only find some way to twist it within his mind. Even if I wanted to, I should conserve my energy since I'm cuffed.

I glanced around instead. I was still in the palace, and there were others who were also captured. Neptune being one of them. Seeing that Hordy had many followers around him, I assumed that they captured the palace. There were a couple that looked semi familiar, but not enough to recall their names or abilities.

"Oh? So you won't even speak now, huh? I suppose I was expecting too much for such a weak human." He sneered, forgoing the sarcasm all together and becoming blatantly obvious with his hate.

"Boss! It's time." One of the other fishman in the room announced. He was carrying a snail that had a video cam setup along with a speaker.

Hordy took the mouthpiece that was attached to the transponder snail before speaking. "Uh, everybody on Fish-Man Island. Can you hear me? I'm the captain of the New Fishman Pirates from the Fishman District, Hordy Jones! There is something I want to tell all citizens of the Ryugu Kingdom. This country will soon be destroyed. And it will be rebuilt under a new king. Namely me!"

Wishful thinking on his part.

"The Fishman Island over which I will rule is going to be strict in discipline. Those of you who hope for friendly relations with humans, get packing and leave this country! Humans are weak and they don't know their place. They don't deserve any help from us strong Fishmen. Instead, we will have new residents from the Fishman District soon. They hate humans and hope to change this island like us."

Talk about kicking out innocent people to bring in gangsters.

"I bet you all witnessed how your beloved Queen Otohime died. She was so selfless and tried so hard to build a bridge between Fishman and humans. But who killed her?! It was a human! If you trust them and meet halfway in friendship, they'll disappoint you again! Why can't you see it?!"

Something about this didn't make sense to me. Didn't Hordy kill the queen? Why is he saying that a human did it? Ugg, this absolutely annoys me, forgetting the small details that are important.

"Duped by the Neptune family, you are all heading down the path of death. Their high-sounding dream is just unfeasible. It's a lie that will lead you to perdition."

Does this guy ever stop talking? Like get to the point already. Just because you use large words, doesn't mean you're smart.

"Look at this!" Hordy commanded.

The fishman who was in charge of holding the snailsponder turned the snail to show Neptune tied up.

"The Great Knight Neptune got old like anyone else." Hordy continued.

Now that's ironic. Just wait Hordy and those words will come back to haunt you.

"There is no future for Fishman Island if the old guard remains in power. Citizens of Fishman Island! It's time to say goodbye to the old Ryugu Kingdom!" Hordy turned back to the snail.

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