Chapter 67: Ugg, Water

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***Amaya's POV***

I woke up to the weirdest sight.

A large baby-type monster started to approach the Sunny with his arm held back. It was preparing to attack, but before it could, the kraken started to box its face in, using its tentacles.

"Alright! That's enough, stop!" Luffy called out to the kraken, causing him to stop his pummeling.

The creature fell on its back, covered in new bumps and scratches.

"Good job!" Luffy praised him. The kraken did the equivalent of a sheepish head rub. It was adorable. Luffy then started to redirect our bubble to the others. "Hey!"

"We're so glad you're alive!" Chopper cried out as we neared the ship.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Well, Sanji's bubble and mind popped so we got into Zoro's. Then we popped that one and had to join Ama's. I thought I was going to die!" He finished with a smile as we landed on deck.

"Don't make us worry!" Nami complained with concern in her tone.

Despite being irritated from having all three of them in my personal bubble, I send a grin her way to let her know we're fine.
"Alright, here's your song to celebrate your return." Brook states, pulling out a mic from thin air.

I mean sure why not. I'm still not used to that, but hey anime.

"You have an amazing ability to survive!" Franky praised our efforts.

"I can't believe it! You really tamed the monster octopus?" Nami redirected the conversation to the earlier event.

"Are you gonna use the kraken?" Robin inquires.

"Yeah!" Luffy declared, sitting up from the grass he plopped onto earlier. "I'm gonna use him like experienced people do! Right, Surume!"

Sururme smiled in bliss at being named. Leave it to Lu to name a kraken after a snack food, but sure why not. Makes things memorable at least. I chuckled as Chi tackled me.

"Chi chii," She questions me angrily.

"Why didn't I use the rope? I figured it would all work out!" I wink at the fox, earning a hit in the face with her tail. Uncalled for, I was simply letting her know I knew it would be okay from my past knowledge.

I was glad to be back on the ship. Sure I was still surrounded by water in every direction, but it was a larger bubble of safety.

"Are you okay Miss Aviator?"

I look over at Robin, giving her a tired smile. "Yeah, just a little tired after getting splashed by the sea. I'll be good in a few."

She nodded in understanding as she sat next to me.

"Oh yeah. Any news from them?" I ask. She was with Dragon and them, so who knows.

"Mmhm," she hummed in agreement. "I've got a letter for you in the room, but I don't know the contents."

I raised my brow. "Robin being in the dark. That's unheard of." I chuckle at her reaction to my sarcasm. "Thanks, I'll take a look at it later."

"Alright, draw the Sunny, Surume!" Luffy's loud voice called our attention.

"Well, instead of him drawing the ship," Usopp's worried voice started. "We have to make sure that he's not gonna smash it up."

A large rumble caused our ship and carrier to shake. In the short distance ahead of us, a red glow started to become apparent. It started to spread from side to side till it was lighting up the ocean floor.

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