Chapter 55: Prison Break

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***Amaya's POV***

Days have passed since I've entered Impel Down. It was hard to tell how long it's actually been since there was no source of natural light underneath the sea. The best way to tell time was when they gave just our meager rations to eat. Crocy mentioned that it was every other day that we were fed. Enough to keep us alive but nothing else.

I was asleep for most of the time, courtesy of my cuffs and lack of food. I never moved from my spot on the floor that Crocy helped me to. Even if I had the energy too, it was too cold in this cell to not stay bundled up in Kid's jacket.

When I was awake, Ace and I talked while Jinbe and Crocy would listen in. They would sometimes ask the occasional question, but it was usually just Ace and I like old times.

I told him about the adventures I had with Luffy throughout this past year while mentioning a couple powers I copied. I never outright mentioned them since I didn't want to answer questions about my powers to Crocy and Jinbe for the time being. Instead, I just suggest a couple of uses for each power I encountered enough to where Ace caught the hints.

In turn he told me a few tales about his adventures that he had while he was searching for Blackbeard, along with the reason for hunting him in the first place.

Approaching footsteps could be heard bouncing off the cobblestone walls and floor as several people were coming near. I opened my eyes to glance at the newcomers, trying to keep a neutral expression despite my excitement.

Boa Hancock along with the warden, vice-warden, and a posse of guards had come to Level Six.

"You have a special visitor, Ace!" The vice-warden announced, coming to a stop in front of his cell. I'd forgotten his name, so I'll just refer to him as Mr. Promotion, seeing as that's all he wants.

"Guess who's here?" Mr. Promotion rhetorically asks before glancing at Ace's cellmate. "Jinbe. Even you have never met her before, so there's no way that Ace can guess who it is. She's well-known, but never shows herself! She leads the Kuja tribe of warriors! She's a Warlord of the Sea! Strong, noble, and the most beautiful woman in the world! The Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!" Mr. Promotion finally concluded his lengthy introduction.

I almost fell back asleep halfway, and I liked the lady since she is supposed to be my future teacher after all with my final tradition.

Having received no reaction, Mr. Promotion took it upon himself to act as a cheer squad. Praising Boa with compliments in higher pitched voices before concluding with, 'When I become warden, will you marry me? Please?'.

It was horrid on so many levels that I think I might now need therapy. The warden came over and smashed his fist on the annoying man's head.

"Ouch! I really wanna become the warden!" Mr. Promotion complained, rubbing his head in pain. "Whoops! I mean, it really hurts to be hit by the warden!"

"What are you doing?" The warden reprimanded him slightly before his voice was drowned out by many males'.

All the other prisons were hooting and hollering over Boa like a pack of starved animals just seeing a fresh meal. As they continued to speak, each comment's value decreased until it was so lewd that it was unfathomable to me until I heard it.

I bundled myself further in the coat, never more thankful for the protection it has given me during my stay here. I'm sure if they saw my outfit underneath it would be just as bad.

Ignoring the male masses, Boa stepped closer to Ace's cage.

"What do you want from me?" Ace glowered at the lady in front of him, not bothering to fully look up at the Warlord.

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