🥳Chapter 20🥳

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My eyes wonders around the dark room like a thief in the night, not looking for anything specific but it's just that I can't sleep. I check the time on my phone and see that is just a minute pass two in the morning.

With my back rest against the bedhead, I start scorlling throw instagram. Tears fall from my eyes as I go through some of the funeral pictures and videos I've posted. The feeling never get better and it feel so unreal.

To prevent myself from crying even more, I put my phone away and slide back underneath the sheet hoping sleep will consume me. I know it's going to be hard but I need to get myself back together and do what I have to do.

Sleep has becomes my enemy these days, it neither comes to me at day nor night, no matter how much I have force it. I make a few tossing and turning on the bed to get myself comfortable and waking Ackeem in the process, he goes to the bathroom then joins me back in bed.

"A wah time?" His rapsy voice ask and I peep over on my phone.

"4:30am, sorry fi wake you" I say lowly.

"Why yuh nah sleep b?" he asks snuggling closer to me, he rest his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair.

"mi cah sleep no matta how mi a force it" I answer, stroking his hair.

"Yuh affi try get sleep babes, yuh ago tired out and drain" he told me.

"mi know" I whisper, finding comfort in tangling his hair.

I didn't want us to have a conversation about Mummy so I quickly thingk of something we can talk about and hoping he will at least let me in now.

"Can ask yuh sumpm?" I asks him.

"Mhmm" he hum almost sounding like he's going back to sleep.

"Wah happen to yuh mother, you juss seh she dead but neva say how?" I asks lowly knowing he doesn't like to talk about it and is always dismissing the topic.

"B lowe dhat" he says in a dismissive way.

"ariite, wah happen to yuh father den?" I asks, he never talks about him.

"Him dead in a prison" He answer dryly.

"Wah him do fi go pri-

"B juss tap wid d bag a question mon" He rise up off my lap and lie on the pillow instead hissing his teeth the entire time.

It's like I awaken some memories he have buried but I just want to know since we both are parentless and we have been together so many years. At least we should know about each other. I didn't want to push him with my question as I notice how touchy they are to him.

"Ok, can ask yuh another question?" I whisper, honestly I just want to talk to get my mind off crying.

"A wah now Kayla?" He answers irritated.

"yuh don't have anymore siblings?" I asks.

"No juss mi and Nelly and dis Question thing ova" He slide off the bed and walk out.


In the late morning I decide to make breakfast before going to the salon. I have two clients today then I will be going into town to get some things for Brandon and bring them to him in Portmore. I really miss him and the fact that we don't share the relationship we use to anymore just let me miss him more.

Whenever I offer to take him out so we can spend time together, he always refuse and say that he have exams and he have to study. I know it will take time for him to come around so I am giving him the time he need.

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