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Ragini took a slow walk but due to weakness she fell on the ground of his hell. In the woods when Vansh threatened him she had to come back. Everyone left except that monster.

He took some steps towards her and scrunch down to her level. "Never ever do this again or else you know." He warned her.

"Or else what bastard?" She didn't knew from where but she gathered all her courage. She felt like the real Ragini. Maybe after getting the most greatest torment the person looses the fear of any other pain. She had faced the most terrible pain in her life that, there isn't any other pain which can hurt her.

"What?" He asked frowning.

"I said or else what will you do? I don't know bastard, please tell me," she said while tears rolled down.

He stood there frowning. His expression didn't showed shock but he was definitely surprised. Noboby had ever dared to raise their head infront of him. He had never thought that she will fight back.

"Shut up! And get back to your room." He gestured her.

"NO," she yelled.

"Don't shout." He threatened.

"Or what??" She pushed his patience.

"I will cut your fucking husband and shove it down my dogs throat ...." She started laughing mocking.

"Stop laughing. You don't know me." He warned in nonplus unable to comprehend why she was laughing. The man infront of whom no one has ever dared to speak, the girl was laughing mockingly. Instantly Ragini stopped laughing and stood there rigid but her eyes reflected something unusual. Her eyes burned like charcoal which could burn the whole world.

"I know you. Maybe more than anyone. You are a burglar, a villain, a murderer, a rapist." She yelled on his face.

His eyes flickered "Don't," he said in a deep voice.

"It's true only. Why are you so bothered fucking mutt? Isn't that exactly what you are a murderer, a rapist." She gritted out.

"No. I SAID NO," he said with rage filled voice.

"Someone had shown you a mirror for the first's true." She chuckled at him.

"Get out. Or else your husband..."

He was interrupted by her "You can't kill him I know. You are a selfish man. You will not kill him until you get what you want. You will first take the life out of him. And you are not done yet devastating our life."

"As impressive as your husband. You have studied me well amore. I will not kill your husband but I will surely torture him that he will beg for death and then I will throw him to heal so that he can complete my work." He snarled.

Her eyes filled yet they were furious. Indeed he can do that."You are a heartless jerk. You are a monster, a devil," she said.

"Much more than that." He smirked.

She glared him with rage. Her eyes was gleaming with hatred. Probably Ragini was the first woman who had glared at him. And unknowingly he himself allowed her to do so. He didn't do anything with her or else he would have cutted the person's throat who even dared to raise his head infront of him.

Vansh walked to his room. Ragini went to her room and locked the door. She hugged her knees and whipped her face.

She had cried enough for a despicable like him but that was enough, she wasn't going to waste her tears anymore for that man.

Some days had passed like that. Vansh and Ragini never use to face each other. She was always locked inside four walls.

That day's morning was bright. Ragini cladded in a white chicken curry kurti opened the door to find Vansh coming out from the room infront of her.

In these days she never noticed that Vansh use to come and go to the room just infront of her.

As their eyes meet Vansh could see flames of fire burning in her eyes.

He walked without being bothered by her glare.

"Baccha have your breakfast. You haven't ate anything from tomorrow. You never have your breakfast Ragini. You will surely fall ill like this," Sharda said affectionately.

"No mausi I will eat later." She gave a small smile to her.

"Come down." Vansh roared standing with his hands in his pocket.

"No." She answered in the same pitch.

"Planning to escape from me by dieing. Tsk tsk tsk. Bad idea."

"You will be the happiest person if I die. Right? After all you are the only person who is after my life." She curled her lips.

"Come here and eat." He growled. Something flashed across her mind and she came down.

"Sit there." Vansh sat and ordered her to sit on the chair beside him.

She silently sat there. Only the corners were separating them.

Sharda came and placed a plate filled with croissant, waffles topped with blue berry and fresh juice.

"Ragini are you allergic to something?" Sharda asked pouring a glass of juice.

"I am allergic to one thing and that is this man." She indicated to Vansh. But Vansh without being bothered pursed his breakfast.

"Eat whatever is given," he said as Sharda placed the glass of juice.

Ragini gave a smile to him. "I will put this juice where it should be." He just hummed.

She stumped and got up from her chair. She held the glass and within a minute she poured it on his face. The juice was dripping from his face.

"This is the perfect place," she said with a smirk and walked flipping her hair. Unknown of the strom dripping in juice.


"I am sure Pratap," Vansh said to the SHO in the call.

"Mr Raguvanshi you, yourself had said to close all the cases then why now?" he asked  in puzzle.

"I am not answerable to you. Let Aditya Malhotra open which ever case he wants."

"He had requested to open both Anaya kapoor and Satvika Jairaj's case. I am asking you once again Mr Raguvanshi are you sure?" he asked once again.

"Yes. And don't disturb me." He disconnected the call.

Pratap called Aditya.

"Jai hind Sir." He greeted him.

"Jai hind. Please take a sit." He offered and  Aditya sat.

"You can open the case AM." He informed.

"Thank you Sir."

"Take the help of the officer who was the case in charge. Rizwan Khan," he said. Aditya sighed.

                            A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR


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