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🎶Ishq ka hafiz (Trust me guys mere kasam just listen to the song while reading.)

       Aakhiri hai ilteja yun na azma mujhe,

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       Aakhiri hai ilteja yun na azma mujhe,...
    Rooh ko sukoon de ya khaak mein mila                                         mujhe,...
                    VANSH RAGUVANSHI

Lack of life


A feeling like that nothing is left

That's what I was feeling right now.

I gulped down another shot of rum to extinguish the burn in my chest but it was like... a neverending pain.

Today she looked so serene and ethereal in the white saree.

But again it was a white saree. She choose the color white. Aditya's favorite color. She looked so breathtaking but she was dressed up for Aditya. Her husband.

The nuptial chain in her neck chocked my throat. It was nothing but a slap for me telling me that she belongs to someone else.

If it's just attraction then why does it hurt so much.

Mrs Ragini Aditya Malhotra

I punched the damn table. The wine glasses broke piercing through my skin. But did I care? No. The pain in my heart, the ache was more powerful than any other physical pain.

The bar's wall where now eating me. The vacant walls were like a projector screen with a movie playing on it.

The scene of Aditya kissing Ragini was playing like a broken cord.

But it stopped suddenly when I slammed the wine bottle on the wall.

"Sir are you okay?" A waiter approached.

"No." How weak I have become? Where is the stone hearted Vansh Raguvanshi?

I grabbed the bottle of rum. I tripped over my feet while coming out from the bar. My whole body was shaking.

Look how weak I am?

As I worked towards the street the sight of the lone tear from her eye was coming infront of my eyes.

The way a tear had pricked down her eyes, I hated it. I fucking hated it because I knew somewhere I am the reason behind it.

A ache clamped my heart. It was worse than any bullet, any knife or any other attacks.

I shouldn't feel like this. Fucking hell I shouldn't feel anything. I was the ruthless bastard. A monster the world thought. But why I was feeling like dieing.

My wife

My wife

"Aaaaaaaaa" A yelp torned my voice cord. What is the pain in my heart? Am I getting a heartattack. Am I going to dieing? If that's the reason I should die a little soon because the pain on my heart was now unbearable.

I never had a heart. I was just a heartless monster. So why does it hurt so much to see her in someone's arm?

I pressed my chest but the burning in my heart has no end.

"Jaane Woh Kaise, Log The Jinke,
Pyaar Ko Pyaar Mila,
Jaane Woh Kaise, Log The Jinke,
Pyaar Ko Pyaar Mila.
Humne To Jab Kaliyan Maangi,
Kaaton Ka Haar Mila,
Jaane Woh Kaise, Log The Jinke,
Pyaar Ko Pyaar Mila."

My eyes fell on a old man in the street signing a song, people were giving him some money.

I wasn't able stand anymore. I slided down the wall.


Adi is my home


I love you Innu

My wife

Please kill me I can't bear it anymore. Please.

"It's okay. Bad times comes and go. You will be okay." A voice hitted my eardrum. I looked through my red rimmed eyes to find the same old man kneeling.

"You know son. It is easy to share your pain with starnger. As they don't know you they won't judge you." His clothes were torned, his body lean yet he had a soft smile on his face.

"I don't know why I am in pain?" My voice came groggy.

"Wo khayal hai kisi aur ka
Use sochta koi aur hai
Wo naseeb hai kisi aur ka
Use magta koi aur hai." I know my words didn't made any sense. I was pathetic.

(She is someone else's idea someone else thinks of her, she is someone else's fate Someone else is praying for her.)

But he smiled like he understood everything.

"Are you in love?" He asked.

"No. How can I? I never touched her." I whispered.

"You fell in love with her soul before you could touch her skin. If that isn't love, then what is it," He said nonchalantly.

No I can't. How can I?

"But.. but. Isn't love supposed to be peaceful?"

He chuckled. "Ishq ho aur sukoon ho? Suno janab hosh mein toh ho?"

(If there love, there will be peace? Listen sir, are you conscious?)

Am I in love with Ragini?

The foreign feelings in my heart.

The desperation for her one glance.

Finding her the most beautiful person in the whole world.

"So Are you in love?" The man snapped.

"Yes." I am in love with her.

She was always Aditya's Amour. But when she became my Amore I didn't even knew.

A laugh escaped my mouth. I began to laugh hysterically. At myself.

"You know, I destroyed myself in the most beautiful way." I chocked .


"By falling in love with the person I can never have."

She was someone else's wife. What is more pathetic than falling in love with a married woman.

Yet it didn't made any change.

Ragini didn't touch me. She touched my soul, my heart.

She didn't touch me but healed me.

Wo itni dur rehne wala shaks takraaya bhi pehle bar toh sidhaa dil se..

(That person who lived so far away collided for the first time, directly with my heart.)

Fuck yes...

I am in love with Ragini.

I am in with my Amore.

I am endlessly in love with her.

"What is in you Amore? That my heart so effortlessly fell for you. My heart didn't even asked me once before it belonged to you."

I fell in love with her, I don't know how, I don't know when, I don't know why,
I just did.

                            A NOVEL BY DIVYA THAKUR

It's a small chapter but I hope it's impactful.

How was it?


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