Willow 2.0

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You'll see a monster, a creature of unbearable nature, one so selfish and so greedy that it will do whatever it takes for you to give in. That's what they told me the week before my 7th birthday. And if you give in, then there will no longer be any hope for you.

I trusted them, they had seen and heard of this before, I hadn't, who was I to say that they were lying. They told me that they'd help me prepare for what I'd see. They said that they would do anything to increase my will to be normal and to be myself. That they would make me so strong that the night after, all they would see was a girl who survived, because I needed to survive.

They trained me day and night that week, sleeping was useless, a waste of time, so I made potions, it's the first potion I ever shared with a person, with the doctor who promised and swore to my father I'd get better.

He transformed from one beast to another, one monster trying to persuade me by holding my father hostage, holding my sweet baby friend Elliot hostage, by threatening to kill them if I would not give in.

He'd turn into these creatures that promised me glory and riches beyond imaging if I would just give in. Just your mind, that's all we need, the creatures would say, everything else can be yours.

The doctor and I would rest by eating a nice meal, one that would fill me up for the following 5 hours, and he'd tell me that without my mind, I would be nothing, that I cannot give in, give up, or I would lose everything and would no longer be Heir, no longer have friends, no longer have a life worth living. He'd tell me that if that happened, that my father would have to find a woman and he'd have to produce another child and make that one the Heir, that my whole life's purpose would crumble for a devious monster and mischievous deal.

He scared me, and when I told my father, he said that it's what I needed. That my mother had the same curse, both of us developing it at the ripe age of 7. He said that she was a kind person, but her curse took over her, it promised her she'd be the most powerful person in all of Anakia, but it messed with her head and made her think people were after her, that people didn't love her and that no one was to be trusted. It's how she got exiled, how she went crazy and almost murdered the former, now retired and currently dead High Queen, my grandma and how she killed my uncle in cold blood.

He made me promise I would do everything in my power to keep my shadow, my beast, the monster ready to devour me at bay, to keep it away, to make sure I will be safe and with that my future Kingdom.

When the night came and the sun was almost setting, I was put in my room, locked and closed, a dozen or two guards in front of my door and myself trembling behind them like a scared dog in a cage with everyone shaking to see if I can do cool tricks like roll and give my paw.

I was shuddering and scared of what was to come.

The monsters the doctor showed me were terrifying, had I slept, which I did not, I would have had nightmares, I would have had shaking, sweating, clamping and terrifying nightmares in which each time I would lose. And that made me scared. I didn't want to lose the people I loved, my Kingdom, my position as Heir, my mind ...

The thing is, I looked odd. I was cursed which everyone knew, and I had spots all over my body and my hair was weird too, 'there went something wrong in the womb' was what they told me, your body was not capable, not strong enough to have finished you completely. Not only that, but my mother's father was a human, which made my mom a half-human, which means that a quarter of me was also human. This messed with my abilities in magic, it made me rank lower back when I was younger.

But then I learned potions as it was the best thing I could do in which I could be the best. And I was. I was the best and I beat everyone. But I was still called out for my curse and looks. To look the way I do in my position is a risk, but then everything is technically a risk in my position, but to be cursed, to be a quarter human, though those were risks I did not have a part in taking, it was just given to me.

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