I don't like u like that.

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Hi, I hope it's been nice until now. This chapter is merely a little memory and realization from back then with a slight mention of drugs usage and alcohol as TW.
Hope you enjoy :)

"Fuck." She shows me her phone. "Look. He just texted me."

"Why would he say that."

I love you. Sweet Sarah-Lynn, I love you, I do. You're the light of my life, the fire of my loins, my love, my star, my moon, my sun, you are everything to me. I love you, my sweet Sarah-Lynn.

She takes her joint in between her two fingers and she breathes the air in deep before she rolls her eyes and shrugs. "Fuck if I know. I've known the guy a week. A week."

I take the joint from her and gently put it out before holding her hand in mine. "Just ghost him. I don't suppose he'd follow you around?"

"Except he would." She throw her long, wavy thick red hair back and cocks her head as she looks at me. "You are so innocent minded. It's adorable."

Sarah-Lynn, from a show called The Bojack Horseman Show was a girl who died in a hedonistic bender, she was drug addict, she didn't need them, but she loved them and within a heartbeat went over her 9 months sober and relapsed, she loved drugs that much. And Emmaline, she resembles Sarah-Lynn quite bit. Looking back now it's not funny at all, but I suppose it does relate with her, it matches her life. It was funny, Emma-Lynn, Sarah-Lynn.

Now I roll my eyes and get my legs off of hers and turn to the table with my books on them.

"Assignment due?" She asks me with a bored, stoned sigh.

"Tomorrow. I planned to make it yesterday, but it's easy, it's just very repetitive."

She takes my hand in hers and tugs at it. "You know what's repulsive. Men. Men are repulsive."

I chuckle at her absent face. "Not what I said, but I suppose they are, men are repulsive, or at the least you ones you meet are."

She lifts her head a bit when I finish my sentence. "What's that suppose to mean."

"I've told you multiple times already: you are attracted to horrible men."

I feel her squeeze my hand as she groans a bit. "Yeah yeah, I know. Maybe I should just go for women. They are amazing—"

"Yet half the fun."

She smiles widely. "How'd you know I wanted to say that." She stops, squeezes my hand a bit more, now actually tugging at my whole arm, making my face only inches away from hers. My eyes widen and I feel my heart quicken as her breath falls on me. And she whispers. "Are you in my head."

I push her away from me and hold her hand again instead of her holding my arm.

"You know I'm not." I say playfully. "How about you just lay down."

Without a pause she puts her head on my lap and looks up at me while I make my homework. She'd do this a lot, she liked to sit on my lap with her head, she said she felt safe when she did. I felt nice about that, maybe that's some part of a slight savior-complex, but I simply wanted her to feel safe, and only the better if I could provide that.

"You're really ugly from this angle." She says with a slight chuckle.

"And you're stoned." I say as I stuff her mouth which smells like pure weed with gum.

"I'm not. What I am is high, high on life- as you should be!" She sits up and pushes my books away right in the middle of writing a sentence. I don't yell, I just close my eyes and sigh. "Studying— oh, look at me- my name is Willow, Willy Willow and I'm a Willy nerd. Study study study."

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