My biggest supporter

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"Focus, Hope." My mother puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes them down, releasing some of the tension and fixing my posture. "You need not stress, you need to focus on what's in front of you."

I inhale and exhale deeply, and I take one more breath before closing my eyes. And when I do, I feel this splurge of energy coursing throughout my body, passing by my arms, my legs, my torso and ending up right at my hands. I retract my hands from out in front of me, to right beside my ribs. Then I bring them closer until my fingertips touch each other.


I now aim my hand at the tree and I let all that energy go, it feels good, a little painful, but even the sight of all the demolished trees don't feel so bad because of the energy streaming along my body, crimson red sparks fly off the tree and all that is left is a relieving feeling that a simple spell like this one gives me.

"There you go!" My mother claps in her hands and makes cheering noises.

I try not to be caught off guard, I remember how people tried to do that whenever I would be fighting out in the open. They'd yell and scream, cheering for or against me as I was their living trophy. But I had to keep focused, my opponent would only overcome their limits because of those cheers, risky moves would be seen as good moves and moves that could get them hurt or make them vulnerable would be seen as strong and crucifying moves.

But I don't have a opponent now, so I have to stay focused, even if that means I can't look at my biggest supporter.

"Only to restore them now."

I focused once more, my hands stretched out towards the fallen down tree. The thuds of everything has become rather muffled, of the leaves and the branches as they collide with the ground. It's satisfying to watch myself restore them, I let the energy built in my body go and restore the demolished and disturbing sight in front of me.


I watch as the tree levitates in the air and restores itself. White sparks lift branches and leaves fallen from its rightful owner and place them where they belong. I see white sparks from the palm of my hands intertwine the bark of the tree and the rest of which has now been put back, as if nothing happened.

I do this a few times, all while my mother is trying her best to get me distracted and I do my best to keep focused. At some moments I have the tendency to look back and see what is making those noises, I figure most of it out by small peaks or by seeing it in the corner of my eyes. A lion and a wolf slaughtering each other, a dog howling while its baby pups are laying so lifelessly in front of them, a bear scratching itself against the bones of a animal it slaughtered and worst of all ... a beast, which kind I do not know, but I do know that it is crushing precious flowers, some of which aren't many of left, flowers that are sparse, so scarce, rare and all it does is throws trees around and I can't do anything. I can only restore what has been destroyed, but I can't take down the animal, I can't even look at it ... after all, it's just an illusion.

When I feel my arms getting tired and I count the trees I still have to restore after the beast took them down, I get a little nervous. I have done this many times, all times successful, yet I am getting tired. I planned out a whole schedule which would allow me to rest but also keep building stamina instead of losing it. I had made sure that I wouldn't feel burned out, like I am doing right now. Yet I plop down on the ground and leave the destroyed trees to be.

"What are you doing?" My mother stops her illusion and comes to sit next to me.

"I don't know." I sit back and watch as my mother finishes what the beast started. Finishes what I couldn't. With her sparks such light pink, a little transparent but beautiful nonetheless.

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