Sir Cyrice

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"Dearest Willow, Madam, please come forth from wherever you hid yourself." I keep myself hidden behind the closet which I moved early in the morning. I'm softly giggling as I hear her footsteps get further out of earshot with each second. "This is not a Royal thing to do, Madam, please behave yourself and come out!"

That sentence hits me right where it hurts, so I immediately move the closet and the sound of it makes her whip her head right around. She watches as I shuffle my feet towards her, my head low, my eyes high, my hands right in front of my stomach, holding each other so very dearly.

"Oh-" She watches as tears run into my eyes, watches as I fight to keep them away. My mouth twitches and before she knows it the grin I had on a minute ago has completely turned around. "No, I was merely pestering you, Madam. It isn't a Royal thing to do, but it is very fun. It was tactic, you see, I got you out."

I sniffle my tears away and she picks me up so swiftly that I feel the adrenaline in my body sway me along. I begin to laugh again and she smiles at me as she spins around.

When she puts on me the ground, she tells me to close my eyes, that she has a surprise. I hear fabric rustling against the door as she makes her way in and then against her hands as she straightens it out. I should've probably kept my eyes closed, but I couldn't, so I peeked ever so slightly from between my hands. It's a dress, a beautiful pastel pink dress as fluffy as could be, I love the way it looks, but I'm unsure if it'd look lovely on me. Then those thoughts immediately falter when I realize my father who never really cared to how I looked because I never choose my clothes, had picked out a dress for me. Taken time out of his schedule to pick out a dress and everything. I couldn't not love this dress.

"You can open your eyes now." She says with a smile. "Your father, the King, he picked it out himself."

My eyes begin to glisten as she says it, rays of light practically beaming from them both.

"My dad picked it out?" I begin to play with it vigorously when she nods. "It's so big! So pretty too!" I already begin to undress myself before she can say anything at all. "Did he pick out accessories too? Oh, I do wonder if he did. I bet they are equally as pretty as the dress, oh- if only they are a fraction of it I'd be as happy as could be!"

"I don't know if he did. But I could ask."

She smiles before she puts me in the heated bath she prepared earlier for me. Then takes the rough part of a Flian back and exfoliates my hands with it. Back then they still thought that maybe they could scrub it off, the odd parts of it of my skin, whatever that meant, but instead it just made my skin incredibly soft, good either way. She then uses the soft parts for my back and legs. Then she leaves me alone to play a bit while she prepares my room for getting dressed.

Isn't it great that he got me the dress!

Willow just sits there. She shrugs.

I don't trust it.

I scoff and slap her comment away.

It's an important night for him, Willow. He probably just wants to match.

Or one of his friends is picking out their child's dress and so he agreed to go with him for image. You know, the 'I love my child so dearly that I pick out dresses and accessories for her' kind of image. You know just as well as I do that he doesn't wear pink. Purple at best, otherwise he just wears black, as if he's in mourning every bit of the day.

I softly laugh and splash a bit of water on her.

Always so negative. Come on, cheer up, it could be a good night.

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