Chapter 6

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I was 11 years old when I left Anakia for good, or so I thought. Anakia was my home for those years, I was never really comfortable, but I had a friend, I had staff members who loved me. With my biological father being the King and Hero of all People I was feared and loved, but I was never really liked.

People would either suck up to me, as I would be their future ruler, or they'd be disgusted by the sight of me. I understood it though, when I was born I was cursed, by my uncle nonetheless. Though I learned to live with the way I looked, not everyone else did. It was fine by me, I learned to love solitude, but it still felt a little empty at times, to know that no matter what I did, I couldn't redeem myself.

I still tried though. I did this by studying potions and animals, competing in tournaments, reading every book in the Royal library, finding ways to create my own potions. This made others feel safe around me, made them not hate me completely.

I began improving at the age of 4, I had little to no friends, a lot of free time and couldn't yet read until I was 5. But we were Royal, we were wealthy and we were the Rulers. We could do anything we wanted, even if it meant forcing the makers of the Fair competitions over the whole of Anakia to take in a 4,5 year old and make her a student and competitor.

I didn't always win back then, I lost quite a lot, but I improved each time. I began being unstoppable when I was 8 years old and fighting against teenagers. I could read and no longer needed someone by my side to read it for me. It was over for the rest of the competitors the moment I could make my own potions. An easy way to explain it would be to say that I could mend and bend magic to my own will. Nothing, such as side effects or discomforts could hold me back anymore. I held magic in the palm of my hand and could make it fit like a glove to my body and endurance. That and my overwhelming train of thoughts and possibilities made me unbeatable.

And I get that it might sound excessive for a girl at such a young age. And besides the fact that in Anakia you are bound to grow up faster than what I saw they did in the Human Lands, my mother also wasn't in my life at that time, my father had duties that took almost all of his days. We only ever saw each other at dinner time, though he did try to come to most of my competitions, I was still alone a lot. Besides my 2 friends of course, a baby and another, he whom I saw at meetings and at parties I was obliged to attend, I had a lot of time on my hands. He whom I say at meetings and parties, we fought together and against each other, we held records, awards and titles for our age and our advancement, we could relate to each other, both of us so very similar, I suppose that's why we tried to stay friends even when it so obviously wasn't working out.

He wasn't as smart as me, not as much of a prodigy as I was, he belonged there with people of his age and status. That doesn't take away that he was but a kind child, he was soft hearted and tender. And he was better than me in certain aspects, such as magic spells and Elemental Magic. I was better at potions and thinking rationally, observing people and their patterns, their ways of thinking, it had me win each time, but he was good at the manipulation of elements too, which always made him win from others, and a few times from me. He was a young prodigy as well, merely 2 years older than me, and if it wasn't for him, for the constant mocking at my lack of knowledge and fighting skill in certain areas, then I'd never bothered to learn magic spells at all. Had it not been for the late months with my mother's overprotective need to teach them to me, I wouldn't have done it either.

But he was also an idiot, dumb in ways I wish he would realize. When we were still friends, kind of in secret, he'd joke about me, and I didn't mind, not until he did in public, and his joking made them scared of me. He was the one that made fun of my skin because it was a thing he did when we were alone and then it accidentally spilled in front of his friends, they soon followed those jokes and began making them themselves. He didn't stop, he did it as a joke, but later on it gave him the laughter of others, attention of his brother and so he didn't want to stop. He liked it, thought it was funny too, thought that it was innocent, and we began drifting apart once I had enough, once people began to deflect their fear of me in jokes as well. I still fought him, he was the only real compatible competitor I had, but I didn't really speak to him anymore, didn't attend parties anymore where he'd be present. I wasn't scared of him, I just hated him, hated him with my whole heart, hated him so much, yet not enough to stop liking him, to stop envying him, his life, watching him from afar.

I meant it when I said that he's kind, soft hearted and tender, he was all sunshine and rainbows, he was what I wasn't. He was the opposite of me, everything I needed to be. And because I was still the Heir of the throne, I still had to attend meetings, see what I would once do, my position and the respect that was supposed to be given to me. And he was there as well, he had to be too. And when the adults were having tea and bread with butter and cheese, fruits so expensive and rare that seemed to be made out of glass and gold, we'd have to go and play together or something. They all thought we were best friends because we fought so much together, but they were so wrong.

When we'd be alone, he'd make soft jokes about it all, but he'd make jokes in a way where a singular joke wasn't that infuriating, but many of those jokes piled on top of each other in backhanded ways were.

And when I would angry, it'd seem weird, it was but an innocent joke, so why did I get so angry?

But still, he was my friend ... my only actual talking friend. Besides myself I had no one else and so I still cherished him.

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-Love, me :)

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