Chapter 4

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I begin to walk, knowing where to go as the big castle sticks out against all the other towers and houses and mansions. I walk the land, not knowing where exactly I am right now, but knowing that it doesn't belong to anyone. It's empty, no build or farm to be seen, not even a wooden outgrown bench.

After a day of walking, the dark night greets me and I decide to sit down and drink some water, eat some food and get some rest. The grass tickles my calves and I let my hand run through it, the once very familiar feeling of grass coming back to me.

In the Human Lands there was no grass, no real grass at least. And the burning of a torch makes me think of how our nature was destroyed in the first place, it takes me back to the times we would stay awake until midnight and then launch our lanterns in the air ... it makes me think of the biggest disaster in all of history. Even thinking about it makes me shudder. I was only 12 years old when it happened, but the memories that got replayed to me still haunt me to this day. Our house was set on fire due to someone messing with the lanterns that got sold. Everything was set ablaze, everything was burning to crisps, just burning until it wasn't anymore. Most parts of nature were burned so deeply that nothing grows on them until this day, some were recovered but then were destroyed again and then chemically made, it's why nature is so loved in the Human Lands, because there is little to none. And people do tend to love more when something is on the brink of death.

I sit in the grass still, my elbow resting on my knee, the torch in my hand. I feel the cold of the night and the warmth of the flame, I remember everything for the hour I sit there. When I go to sleep I use a magic source to keep the torch upright without me having to either hold it or have it burn the grass, and I put a shield over me to protect me for any animals or dangers.

The magic still feels unfamiliar to me. My magic that I used in the Human Lands was much weaker than it is in Anakia, and potions weren't to be made due to lack of ingredients I couldn't find here, but I use all my strength to keep the torch upright, meaning I am weaker now, not stronger. Which is confusing, but true. My magic in Anakia is thriving like never before again, I can feel it in my veins, but I have gotten weaker physically and mentally, the Human Lands is no challenge to me. In here I'd have to do a lot of effort to ruin lives, in the Human Lands I only needed words a bit of evidence and I'd watch their lives crumble ... but it's different here and I have a lot to do to make my comeback

Then I close my eyes and remember Ally and Alice, my friends, if I can call them that. I did like them, for the hours, the days we spent together all those years, I liked them, until I didn't. Until I accepted it, I knew, I realized, I understood -only slightly understood, but I understood- that I hadn't accepted it, not until now.

This chapter was very short, I still hope you liked it. 

Don't forget to vote if you did and any feedback is welcome!

-Love, me :)

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