Chapter 12

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"Okay, we're all done now." I say as we move all the boxes filled with books and equipment to the corner of the room. The table is spread to the edges with potions, the ones I made that I thought I might need.

"Yes, we've got everything." He grabs the list he made and the quill he put behind his ear. "Shielding potion lip gloss vials, arrow expulsion spell rings, sword expulsion spell rings, weapon summoning necklaces with variety, one manipulation earring with a matching seduction earring and a charming spell in a golden string to go in the helix of your ear. The hair cuffs that'll be put in your hair will contain different healing spells, not to mention your bracelets, which contains a variety of poisons and deadly spells in case of emergency. And if anything happens, I'll be with you the entire time throughout whatever you need to do, I'll have extras and I'll be wearing enough in disguise myself, plus some potions in glass bottles and vials if you want to show off."

"What about the spell I made to make people forget? Did you have that one, we made that one, we did, right?"

He checks the list and shakes his head. "I'll look for it, you just get ready now. The King usually stops seeing people in exactly 2 hours and 24 minutes. So we have got to hurry up."

I turn my heels, ready to begin the transformation, but then something else pops in my mind. "Wait- what about the gating spell, if we possibly need to escape?"

Larien shakes his head, this time in disappointment. "It's almost done brewing, I'll take care of that too, don't you worry, you still have lots to do." He waves his hands at me frantically. "Go. Go."

I run into the bathroom and look in the mirror, the dress I'll be wearing will cover me enough as it's a simple and rich yet compared to what people here wear, plain green dress that stops at my ankles. It's an olive shade and it's strapless. It would be fine, but because of my curse you can see the spots on my skin already, so I'll put on elegant gloves in a broken white shade and I'll try to cover the rest up with my waterproof foundation and a light yet graceful shawl.

I put on my clothes, my flats, my gloves, my shawl that is wrapped around my shoulders and covers whatever you can see on my back, it's a sheer fabric so you'll still see my skin, but less. Then it's time for my face ... my stupid face.

I look in the mirror, something I haven't done in quite the while. Most of the time I walk past it as I mostly remember what I look like, but I haven't gone outside in quite the time, so I haven't really felt the need to dress up or make myself look like a normal Ankian citizen. I'll have to get used to it though, I have to wake up early each day and get ready like this each day and pick outfits carefully like this each day ... it'll be exhausting, most likely draining as well and I don't quite know what to do if someone comes in, if someone finds out, but I'll have to figure it out.

I begin smearing the foundation on my face. Lightly dabbing it so it's evenly spread and there are no different pigment shades anymore. The spot on my right cheek to my jaw, the spot on the left corner of my lip, the spot that covers the end of my right eyebrow to the top of my forehead, and lastly, the spot that covers my left eyebrow and the beginning of my left eye. The spots itself aren't too white, but it makes me look like a spotted cow when compared to my actual skin.

Then to even it out, I put a bit of lipstick on the tubercles of my lips, I fade it out with the tip of my finger and top it off with lip gloss. Then eyeliner in a dark brown color, just a shade darker than my original skin tone to make my eyes be similar to the fox eyes my father has, the ones I didn't inherit. Then I put on some black mascara so the whites of my lashes aren't visible as much. The last thing I do is put some tinted brow gel on so the whites of my eyebrows aren't visible either.

When I look in the mirror, the of hours of perfecting my resting face and posture in combination with make-up, I see someone else, something I guess I don't think I resemble too much. I don't mind it though ... she's beautiful, whoever she is, she holds power that is capable of being controlled. She looks organized, like she has her life together. She is everything I wished I could be effortlessly. And that truly makes me sad. It makes me sad to know that the person I can be, the best version of myself, is just person I simply am not.

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