Chapter 43

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I'm laying in bed, still asleep when my father walks in. His spell demanding my direct attention the moment he comes closer to me, and as Larien runs after him to close the door.

"Madam, I told him you were sleeping, but he wouldn't listen!" It shocked me for a moment how rude he spoke to my father, not rude actually, more comfortable. And it's because he's my Person, not my father's. So in that moment I think of the things I can do with that information, he has no duty to the anyone, except me.

"Larien?" I sit up a little bit, "Dad?"

"Darling! Apparently my position isn't high enough to come see you whenever I like and I need permission of this—" He stops talking and smiles at me. Within seconds the smile is gone and he rudely waves Larien away. "Shoo boy," he turns to me and scoffs, slightly whisper and shakes his heads. "Some people just don't know their place."

Larien doesn't go away until I nod to him, and then quickly moves away and leaves me with my father. He comes to sit on the edge of the bed, and before I can move my hair out of my face, I pull the covers off of me and rush to the bathroom. "Let me just wash up!"

I look in the mirror and see that a whole spot on my face was visible. I feel myself getting dizzy, I didn't just expose myself, right, he didn't see it, he can't have!?

I force myself to breathe normally again and quickly search around for my foundation. I search and search and search but end up realizing that Larien had put it somewhere and I wasn't there to remember where. So I'm tempted to call out to him, but he's not here, he's not here and I can't go out because my father is in my room sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

I silently open the bathroom door and let my hand peak out as to grab his attention.

"Hi, dad." I say as I wave at him, my face painfully speaking from behind the door. "Would you mind calling out for Larien. I need him."

"Why? What is it?" He says and I hear him stand up. "I thought you'd just wash up?"

I put my thumb up aggressively. "Yes! I was! But I have this soap, and I don't know where it is- and he does. I just ... I can't find it so could you call him for me."

"I can help you, I'm your father after all."

Not the best time to act on your fatherly duties!

"No, no no, Larien knows where it is, I think he has it so could you just call him for me!"

He's walking towards the bathroom door and I try to stop him by waving my hands very aggressively, but he just keeps walking until I catch a peek of my hand and see the spot between my index finger and my middle finger that slightly leaks out. I quickly retreat my hand inside and close the door, my whole weight against the door, my breath heavy.

He saw it! He definitely saw it!

"Please, Dad! Just call Larien for me!"

He sighs a sad sigh. "You really don't want me to help you." He places his hand on the door, his voice gets closer, his shadow seen under the door creak. "I'm your father, you know I can help you, right?"

"I know ..." I say as I try my best to not just let him in and see me the way I am. "I ... I just ..."

He is in the crowd and he looks at you and he sees you for who you are and steps aside. He looks at the people who cheer for you, looks at you and laughs. He drinks and drinks until it spills over him and he drowns until he breathes air filled with truth and joins the people. He looks at you and then at the people, they cheer for him now as he tells them the truth. I get shut out again and he hates me again, they'll all hate you again. One will lead to the other and if you're not careful, soon everyone knows and you'll no longer feel the need to hide and as you show yourself, you show the girl they knew, and their feelings with come back on the surface and everything will repeat itself.

They deserve it all.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ