Chapter 38

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"It's you again?"

"Hello to you too." She says as she walks closer to me.

"Another message?" I ask her.

"No." She sits down on the ground which turns into clouds and lays back head first. "I don't know why I'm here, I can't remember, but I am."

I sit down next to her, we stay like that for a bit until she props herself up on her elbow and looks at me with eyes that aren't there.

"Do you know who I am now?" She asks me.

I feel bad when I shake my head and she sighs again and lays back down.

"I'm sorry." I say softly as I look at my hands, my scars.

"Why?" She says. "I don't know who I am either, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I am walking really fast as I go down the hall to my hopefully now finished potion, that's what Larien promised me anyways. My flats sound against the cold floor like slippers on a hot day and I feel my dress sleeves fall against my palm, my hair on my neck, my sleeves against my arms—

"Someone's in a hurry-" I pass him by, but then stop walking-running. I turn to him and silently look at his appearance. He's in a robe, fuzzy flats and his pajama. "What?"

"You're still here?" I say confused. "Why? Didn't you Elias come to fetch you?"

He shrugs, takes a step forward and slightly bows. "Luxury, Milady, luxury."

I push him back and scoff. "Boy, put on some decent clothes and go home."

I return to walking-running towards my hopefully finished potion. When I stand in front of the door, I make an invisible border and then I take out the keys hidden in my necklace and unlock the first lock with a kiss on the key, the second one with 3 taps and the third one by putting the key in the lock and turning it 360 degrees. I take it out and hide it back in my necklace before entering and locking everything with a button that's hidden on the bottom of the fake lantern light on the side of the door. I wait to hear the locks make a small ding before turning around to open the cupboard on my far right with the scratch on it and when I take out the black flask from it and open it, I take out the other key, return the flask, close the cupboard and go to the big island in the middle of the room with all types of typical servant tools. I crouch down to open the small cabinets and when I do I take the small box out of it and put it in the middle of the island. I put the key in there, don't turn it, take a step back and let the illusion of a servant's room fade away until I see all my potions again. I take the box and return it to it's original place, put the key back in the flask and activate the shields around for if anything goes wrong.

When I see my potion, the purple glow from within the brew line, I take it and steal a small sniff. It smells right ... I can't test it on myself ... should I just ... but what if it's wrong?

I walk over to the counter, and let a small drop fall on a metal, ruin free dish. Then I take, out of my big jar full of 'em, a small fly and make it expand 10 times it's original size. When it's big enough for me to really see how it affects the fly, I lead the fly on the metal, ruin free dish and wait for it to take interest in the liquid.

When it does finally see it and takes a sip, it begin to glow blue, a big bright light comes out from its eyes and it grows again, this time only a little bit. When the light begins to dim I quickly take my dagger and kill it. It stopped glowing and growing and now instead bleeds out. I wait for it to be done and look at its veins and heart, it's muscles and blood color. It's red again, it's better. It's veins are tighter, stronger. I take it's blood and pour it in a bottle and put it away before making the fly non-perishable.

They deserve it all.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon