Chapter 10

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A knock wakes me up.

"Ma'am." It's the boy again. I have been here for over a week now. I still haven't finished everything, but I'm trying. Though I'm sure I'll be gone within the following 5 days if I sleep again, though I hope I won't.

"What is it?" I ask with an annoyed tone.

"Your waking potion, Ma'am."

He hands me a blue potion. One I made myself since in the last 3 days I had found myself getting sleepy and a little sick of these books. So I made a potion that would help me. It kept me awake without damaging me and would give me an odd sort of strive to get it all done.

I asked the boy to wake me at sunrise to take the potion again as a mistake in the midst of a motivational boost, I had slept not once in the last 3 days due to this potion. But I was exhausted, so I saw it as well needed nap, not for myself psychically, but mentally.

"Ah ..." I take it from him and throw him a silver coin before closing the door again.

I down it in one gulp before jumping in my bed, trying my best to avoid all the papers from being pummeled if I step on them.

I quickly devoured the breakfast put on the table by the boy before going back to engraving all the information possible.

I finished everything I brought with me that night. Everything I was told to take to my new home in the Human Lands on that day, everything I wished to be treasured was put in one bag, for the rest would be exterminated.

But now everything was done for, the books with information for all ages, some advanced books I was allowed to begin at my young age, all the notes I made back then, all the types of potions there were, when they originated, what they do, what ingredients they possess, how they work and if I can make them to my own preferences.

But I paid for another week already and though I think I might be ready, I'm still hesitant. So I call for that boy again.

"Hey, do you have time right now?" I point to the clock, but he doesn't follow my finger.

"I am at your service, and your service alone." His monotone voice speaks out.

A breath gets sucked in through my teeth. "I forgot about that."

"What could I do for you?"

I give him a few golden coins, this time some more than I think he needs. "I need a few things from the market, but I'm not sure you have to knowledge needed."

His hands keep locked behind his back, the coins floating in the air.

"I do."

"Well, have you got knowledge of all the new magic in Anakia? In all of Anakia by best means?"

He nods. "I do." Then a pause. "What do you require?"

I smile softly, knowing the boy can't see me. "I want it all." A wave of relief washes over me. "Every recipe, every book on creatures, new and old, every book on ancient magic, on the elements in our lands and those besides us. I want every new rule in Anakia, the laws, the ranks and the families, new and old. I also want those of the Kingdoms beside us. I want a book or two on proper etiquette, a few books on what is expected of people, of how they should be treated. I want books on how the new tournaments are played, the rules, all of them, old and new. I want, if you can find them, records on those who have played the tournaments in the last decade, how they did it, what they did to win or lose, mistakes they made and how many times they have already made them, their families, the way they play, their tactics, their abilities, I want it all, all the records. I also want books made by people either in poverty, or by those who have either been wronged or locked up. I want a different perspective of Anakia." I let out a shaky breath, realizing a week will not be enough, just like the amount of of golden coins I gave him.

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