Chapter 37

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Hi, a small TW in this chapter. It's just a slight small tiny teeny bit of gore. Nothing too graphic, but just a small warning. It probably won't trigger anyone, but it's best to say beforehand, I think.

"That wall, all of it should be one color, a pastel one. Either yellow or blue, maybe purple but not pink or orange, and it must be matching the flowers. The flowers can't all be the same type on the wall, but it has to been the same color. Let my father decide which of the colors I just mentioned. And I want flowers on each table, all of them a different color depending on their household. The food should be made specifically for them and I want to get a hold of that the exact man who played at my Official Ball 8 years ago, you can find it in the documents." I point at the couch with Alistair laid back on it, watching me ordering the people being around and them hurrying along. "And that couch, I want that one outside in the Garden."

2 servants immediately take the couch by the legs and begin scurrying it outside. Alistair jumps off of it as he sees me smiling. He just goes to sit on another couch, the one in the back that I had already sent back. I tell the servants I want that couch on the other side of the room, making Alistair jump off again. He could stay laying down, but each time he gets comfortable and tries to close his eyes, I stop the orders to my servants for my coronation and instead tell them to move where ever he's trying to lie down. They do, following him everywhere, making this horribly boring job a little more funny.

I crack a smile each time I hear him curse under his breath, not towards the servants because they are just doing their job, but at me, which is understandable. I don't take any offense and instead just smile whenever he looks at me, whenever he jumps off again.

"Would you like—"

Alistair storms towards me, his face a little red, his smile still on for others to see. When he's close enough and his lips part, I hold my hand up for him to close them again.

"Just a minute, Ally."

He smiles through gritted teeth and crosses his arms waiting for me to be done. The woman checks stuff off of a list I named and she made and slowly finishes until she leaves and even though the room is packed with everyone doing something, it seems like only Alistair and I are left together.

"Will you stop it!" He says while looking around to see if anyone heard his loud whisper. "I know you're ordering them—"

"What are you still doing here, Alistair?" I ask with an annoyed yet monotone voice.

"I'm waiting for my brother." He says. "I got bored in the guest room but tired over here and I wanted to lie down, but someone—"

"Stop talking." I wave for a servant and when one comes, another follows her. "I have work to do, but it was lovely speaking with you!" I turn to the servants. "Take him to his room, he's rather tired and the boy must rest."

He chuckles, annoyed, either at me indirectly ordering him around, or for not referring to him as a prince or a man, he is older than me after all. He keeps looking at me while I wave him away with a smirk, before he gets to the end of the room, he laughs a little and with a mocking stance points at the big wall I've been standing in front for a good 30 minutes.

"Periwinkle!" He say with a contemptuous tone. "With matching Bell flowers and Irises and Clematises!"

I stop the servants, stop Alistair. "What did you just say?"

He smiles. "The wall, you were struggling and have obvious poor and simple taste in choosing a color, it's like all you know are the general names, and it's shameful. Your father too, though a lovely man, he like you has no taste for it. I know he'd probably go with yellow, but for a coronation with your golden crown and garnet gems in them, it's a big no. If you remember anything from your early Royal lessons at all, you'd know that color matching is a serious thing—"

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