2 sides of a coin

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"No ..." I push them away from me, but they bring the earth closer to me. Elemental magic, I never even mastered the basics. "Leave me out of this!"

They throw my small crown around, over my head and behind my back, right in my face and along my hands.

"You can keep it!" I yell. "Just leave me out of this!"

"But then where would the fun be?" A girl cackles out.

"Yes, we wouldn't play without you, that we promised your dear father!" A boy has the crown in his hands now, the earth I am standing on has caved in a lot so I have to look up to him and he can look down on me.

"I won't tell him!" I yell as the ground steers to side, making me stumble and fall, my dress slightly ripped and covered in sand and wet mud, in grime and scraped blood. "I won't ever tell him again, just leave me alone!"

"For that it's too late now, your Royal Highness."

I scream out in anger, a roar frightening them all, they stop throwing my crown and it falls as gravity does it's job. The crown hits me in my eye and stops me from screaming, but the boys and girls surrounding the hole in ground are still frightened. For a moment I wonder if I have turned into a monster, if that's what they see, and if that's why they're so scared. But when I look up from my hands, I see that their eyes are not on me.

"Leave her be." I hear a child's voice say. I recognize it, recognize him. "You wouldn't want to be associated with filth who likes to dress in gold such as her."

They all agree with him, he's the leader, the one who's word is law.

"We shouldn't." A girl says, so obviously flaunting right over him. "He's right, we shouldn't touch her, be seen with her, right?" Her voice stammers, her gaze is on him alone, so attracted to a boy so young and mindless and if she doesn't watch it, she'll fall right in here with me.

"Touch her if you want, only if you seek to look as dirty as her." Another boy replies, he who is so obviously flaunting over her, the girl who does not see him. "But you shouldn't, you're beautiful, touch her and no one will come close to you, maybe I, but that is because I am scared of nothing."

Another girl comes up to him, her shoulders are squared and she's taller than him, she shoves him to the ground and hovers over him. "If you are, then go ahead, touch the Royal child, show us all that you're not scared."

"Get away from me!" The boy screams as he stands up and dusts the sand off of his cloak.

I hear the girl chuckle and watch as she gets out of my sight, somewhere I cannot see, closer to the boy. He squeals and all the others laugh.

Then the girls walks back again, throws her arm over the girl who is practically drooling over the prince.

"I'll protect you." Says the brave girl. "From her and him and anything else."

They all look at me, my crown in my hand, one eye squeezed shut and my other eye a little teary.

"Leave the Royal child be, go and find someone else to bother, she's not worth your time." The prince seems to be fed up. And they're about to go away, but then the other prince shows up, the older prince.

"Why?" He says as he holds the prince by his shoulders. "You want to shield her? Be her savior?"

He scoffs, the small chubby Royal child, I watch as his stomach shakes a little when he pushes the other prince off of him.

"Her? Let's be honest and say it, she will never find someone that'll care to shield her. Stop spouting nonsense like that around before you make hope spark in her."

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