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Despite the fact that Manik and Nadini had travelled in opposite ways to SPACE, they had no idea that their eventual destination would be the same.The sky had begun to brighten a few minutes before. A black Jeep was speeding towards the borders under the rising sun and white clouds.Manik uses his left hand to support his head and peers out the window as the city comes into his vision because his house property is amidst a large green area up from a pavemented walkway, he blinks his eyes and believes the world is hard and simple.

Manik's point of view

Neyonika's stupidity ruined my entire vibe for the first day at SPACE. Why does she exist in my life at all? But, on a serious note, Manik, keep your cool. Now I simply need to get my mind off that foolish moneylaundering scumbag and prepare for a new chapter in my life. It's time for some music and a good time. He turns on his car's FM radio, and the song that his band had recently produced, which had become a smash among the youngsters, plays through the speakers.This is now referred to as something refreshing.

Nandini's point of view

Nandini You must acknowledge that this is the best day of your life. Oh my God, I just pray everything goes as planned till the finish. I know I don't wish much from you since Amms begs me to, but truly, this day depends on you. Please don't let me embarrass myself in front of a large crowd. Amms has worked extremely hard to get me through high school and into such a prominent college. Please don't let me blow it.

Author's POV

Nandini's train of thought is interrupted by a car in front of her, so she applies the brakes as the tyre screeches and the car comes to a stop, jarring her entire self. She would have had one of the most memorable first days today if it hadn't been for the safety protections supplied by the seatbelt."Nandini, what are you doing? Just don't get too excited, Amms just gave you this car, you can't wreck it." "Now I need to calm down." She whispered to herself before restarting the car and driving more smoothly this time. To calm her racing heart, she turns on FM in her car and listens to the same song by FAB.

" Oh God i so love this song. My day is really the best today.  " Nandini exclaims as she humms along the tunes of the guitar and keyboards.

Manik was about to cross a red light on the other side of the road in order to go back to his place on time when he received a call from Cabir."Where are you, bro?" Mukti is very enraged at you." Cabir informs in hushed tones, as if concealing from the restover group."Give me 15 minutes and I'll be there." Manik responds before hanging off the phone, but then curses the next time he sees another red light. "Oh, no, another red light." But when did you start following rules, Manik?"
By saying so, Manik drives his car at full speed, unaware that Nandini's car is approaching from the other side of the road, and the two vehicles collide, colliding the two fates of their drivers.

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