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The lights went off as the crowd became silent with an abrupt sigh. All eyes on stage with their breath's hitched high just to know the outcome of this current happening. While at the back seat appeared to be a slideshow projecting a huge picture of 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' writted in bold letters. Manik, panicking and subsidiary, stood rooted at his place deciding whether to call it a bad dream or a frickin nightmare. No, this wasn't happening to him, again. He can't loose her just like that.

The lights were turned back on in a blink at the centre stage where stood Rohan, right down on his knees with a beautiful solitaire in his hands while to his opposite stood the prettiest girl he could ever lay his eyes on. Scarlet was taken aback by his sudden proposal. She's always liked him, maybe even fallen in love but then she always thought herself to be never able to match upto the level at which Rohan was in her life. She felt shorter beside him but it was Nandini who did encourage her at times and looks like her charm worked on atleast one of her two betters. Talking about the cupid angel between them, Nandini couldn't stop adorning the duo as she stood by on one side of the stage with her palms over her mouth in delight. Trust me, she really wanted to scream her guts out in happiness, no longer to be able to hold the secret proposal now that it was actually out in the open.
" I love you . I love you a lot Scarlet. will you marry me?" the golden words were said as a tear drop fell from Scarlet's eye who was still unable to believe it to be a reality.
"Damn women speak up, my knees are about to give up." Rohan chuckled with a smugged face.
"Rohan, i don't know- how could i-" the girl was out of words and anybody will. It's not a regular thing for you to be proposed infront of thousands of people in a live concert.
" Will you be mine forever. Just think about that?" Rohan smiled brightly at her in confidence. Ofcourse he's sure of them to be able to make through it all.

Scarlet's thoughts were broken out by the loud cheer of a 'yes' from the crowd as well as her best friend who was literally jumping up and down on the stage like a small kid.
"Scarlet say yes please" Nandini begged with palms clasped together as she held onto the answer with her dear life.
" yes i ....i will marry you . I love you." And with that my friends, these two soulmates were binded together for forever as Rohan stood up engulfing her now fiance in a tight hug, swooping her off the ground as the crowd went into a cheer of congratulations for them while Nandini wiped away her happy tears. Finally someone got their happily ever after. Who cares if it wasn't her. She made it through because she believed it.

But in between all of this , were a few other people who stood onto the same stage, confused and relieved at the same time. Confused because weren't Nandini and Rohan a thing? And relieved because Nandini wasn't the one to have gotten proposed.

" so guys this was the end of the night hope you all have enjoyed it. See you soon and again a round applauce for our artists tonight." the host ended the show on a final note as the audience applauded and the artists left for the backstage.

The confusion was there for them but all Aryaman cared was to have her friend back with him, all safe and secure. So as soon as Nandini got back down from the stage, he ended up engulfing her in a hug as he asked her in his muffled voice, "Nanz where were you? We were waiting for you . Why were you late at the concert. Is everything fine? You are fine right?" his voice was full of concern while his eyes searched for any sort of an injury on her to make her late.
"Hey! Hey . I'll explain you everything." Nandini took his face in her palms as she assured him of her safety.
"Nandini tell us what was all this. We were freaked out and weren't you and Rohan a thing?" good going Alya, so much for patience.
" We were waiting for you, calling you." Dhruv was the next to demand answers.
" Don't leave us hanging like that." Mukti couldn't hold it in either.
" but whatever anybody else thought, Manik still belived that you'll come and look he was correct that you will never let us down." and in all his glory was Cabir, still putting out brownie points for his best friend.

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