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The song for the following part is below. Make sure you listen it to understand the feels.

When Nandini turns to go, her dress becomes entangled in the side drawer. She unlocks the drawer to bring it out while a diary kept on top falls owing to excess. Nandini goes down to pick it up when she notices a familiar bracelet peeking out from that thick diary.She notices it's her bracelet. The bracelet with the letter N. She hastily picked up the diary, and either by instinct or fate's cupid play, a photo fell out of it.

She reaches down and picks it up gently, flipping it till she discovers it to be one of their college photos from when they were kind of close friends, or rather, on their way to becoming besties.Curiosity got the best of her, and she quickly opened the cover, looked at Manik, who was sleeping peacefully under the comforter with a soft grin on his lips.

Unknowingly, Nanz grinned as she watched him sleep like a baby, and when she returned her attention to the diary, she had the greatest aah, not biggest, but a huge shock. MANAN was written in bold letters and underlined in red on the cover page. She raced out of the room without waiting another second, but not before one final look at him.

Her irregular heartbeats brought her to her room. Her heart felt like it was about to break. Sitting by the window, still dressed for the party, she opened the book again, this time turning to the following page where it wrote.

 It all started with hate...

"I felt the world come to a halt as she walked past me; the birds stopped chirping, the wind stopped blowing, and the sun stopped shining." There was only her and myself. She was stunning. I was envious when I saw her with the other guys. I'm sure no one else feels the same way I do about her. It's been a week since she fell into my arms, and she grows more beautiful with each passing day."

Page Turn.

'Today, I have no idea what possessed me to propose to her on the spur of the moment, but the next thing she did enraged me. She slapped me across the face. Seriously, she hit Manik Malhotra, and that's when Mukti came up with that bet, which I accepted since I never lose.'

Page Turn.

'Today is the third day I've been stalking her, and I know I don't have much time, only a week for the dare to be finished, but I don't always want to do these things to her. She is flawless. 'Any day I don't see her is a day I won't remember.'

Page Turn.

'It's been a while. I know. Cabir has made me realise that I adore her after only a few hours. Yes, I'm not sure when it became love, but I suppose it did. I'm not sure if my affection is shallow or unjustified. But unrequited, unspoken love is the purest form, as she taught me. I disagree that being intrigued by a female makes you fall more in love with her. The more I get to know her, the more I like her.'

Page Turn.

'She found out about the bet today. The sadness and hurt I saw in her eyes hollowed me out. I tried to talk to her about it, but she just left with Aryaman. I assume everyone is correct, she just needs some time, and I pledge to mend things with her and we'll be together like we were supposed to be.'

Page Turn.

'Today has to be the worst day of my life,' I think. Maybe I don't deserve her. I was the one who didn't believe in his love. I couldn't bring myself to talk about her. Cabir and Navya were the ones who informed me the truth, but by the time I realised it, she was far gone. Gone far away from me, but I know if fate wants us to meet, we'll meet soon, and I'll make it happen, Nandini, because this is our tale, Manan's story.'

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