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It was evening when Manik reached Nandini's house. He rang the bell a number of times but got no reply. He thought to go by the window and so he turned but just then the door opened.There stood in front of manik a man in his mid 50's. 
"Yes. Who are you?" asked the man.
" Hello actually i wanted to meet Nandini. " said Manik.
" Nandini. Oh but you are late she went away." the man answered. 
" She went? But where?" asked Manik.
" No idea. She and Aryaman both came back home in a hurry packed their bags and went away giving me the keys of this place." the man said.
" They must have told you something? Where they are going? Why are they going?" Manik was getting restless and worried now.
" No they just told me to take care of myself and this house. "
" Thank you uncle."
" It's okay son." The man went inside the house as Manik sat on a bench in the garden crying on his fate, when his phone rang. Manik composed his sobs as he recieved the call.
" Yes cabir?" he said.
" Manik are you crying? Is everything ok? Did you meet Nandini?" Cabir asked in panic.
" No it's just- " Manik couldn't hold it in anymore as he started to cry.
" Manik you know you can't lie to me. Nandini is really angry right but i know she'll listen to you just keep on trying." Cabir assured him.
" She won't listen Cabir. Never. " Manik said in a low voice.
" Manik why are you thinking like that. She will. She loves you." said Cabir.
" Cabir she left." Manik's voice was hollow now.
" left? But where? I think she must needs some time alone. You wait for her there. She needs some space too." Cabir said.
" no Cabir she left me forever. She and aryaman went somewhere with everything and i have no idea where to find  her. I-" Manik couldn't even complete his sentence.
"Buddy just relax. We're coming there." Cabir said as he called out to the others.

Half an hour later Fab 4 along with Navya reached at Nandini's house but before they could ring the bell, Mukti stopped them.
" Cabir. Manik is there at the garden." she said pointing at the lonely figure as everyone walked towards him and Cabir kept his hand on his shoulder.
"Buddy." said Cabir as Manik turned and hugged him sobbing in his best friend's arms.
" She left me . Cabir i couldn't even tell her that i love her" Manik cried out to him.
" Buddy you need to calm down. We'll find them." Cabir reassured him.
" Manik control yourself. You are not weak. You are Manik Malhotra." Mukti too sat down beside him.
" Mukti. But i can't. I am the player Manik. She won't come back." he was inconsolable by this time.
" Manik did she say that she'll never come back in your life?" Dhruv said as a matter of fact to which Manik nodded in a negative.
" Did she tell youu that you can't find her? " asked Alya as he nodded in a no again.
" Then you should go and find her. You have to make her trust and believe you. This is what true love is Manik." said Navya.
" do you really feel so? " Manik asked like a small kid.
" Now stop this melodrama. Let's go and check at her home. Somebody must know something. " suggested Cabir.
" No Cabir even that servant knows nothing." Manik replied wiping his tears.
" Have you read Sherlock Holmes?" Cabir joked.
" You are remembering books now? " said Manik giving him a pointed look.
" yes. Because you idiot we'll definitely find something in her room." he replied patting on Manik's back as everyone rang the doorbell as the elderly man opened the door again.
" You all? And Manik you are still here?" he asked.
" Uncle can we check nandini's room once? Please it's important. " Navya requested since she had been here before.
" Yes Navya you can. Come in." the man let them in.

They went to Nandini's room. Manik was the first one to enter and his heart skipped a beat. Her smell was still lingering there in her room. Her fragrance. It was as if she was just there present right by hsi side.
" Manik , Let's search we have to find her" Cabir got him back to the real world as they all started looking around.
" Yes Cabir and i will. Guys lets check."

" Did anybody find anything?" Manik asked everyone after an hour into looking around.
" No this place has nothing to even get us a hint." Navya replied sitting down on the edge of the bed.
" Nothing here. " the others chimed in.
" See guys there must be something." said Cabir being hopeful.
" Manik this cupboard is jammed. Please help me. " Alya requested as she trying pulling the handle for the nth time.
" wait let me see." Manik pulled the door of the cupboard and the view made his heart wrench his pain. All of their pictures fell on the floor with some cards and letters. Each letter had Nandini's feelings for Manik. What she thought about him and of course I LOVE YOU CARDS.

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