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Both Manik and Nandini's cars collided, but happily it was only a minor collision because they both used the brakes at the appropriate times. Nandini became agitated and came out stooping down to search for any scratches on her beautiful new car, but before Manik could react, she began shouting, "You stupid, idiot, moron, can't you watch and drive?" "Are you blind? If you can't see properly, why are you driving this car?" she yelled, still looking for dents.But her tone and ferocity made Manik angry as well, and he rushed out of the car, shouting at her and saying, "Me and an idiot? You're a moron. To begin with, you have no idea how to drive and are yelling at me like a lunatic. Even God cannot help such girls as you who don't know how to drive but wish to pull the automobile on the road."

Nandini's hair was falling across her face since she was kneeling down on her knee, making it impossible for Manik to observe her face properly. " You simply shut up. First and foremost, you smashed my brand new automobile like you were in an F1 race, and now you're teaching me how to drive. Amms gave me this car and you! Urgg! "Oh God, what am I going to do now?" she moaned as she gazed up at the sky. "Excuse me!" It's only a minor scartch, and if you wanted to keep your valuable car, you shouldn't have let it out at all. For all I care, put it in a museum." Manik mocked."You rich jerks think of your automobiles as planes. Oh, hello, reality check, other people also drive on these roads. Idiots. "Daddy's spoiled brats" She snapped back, attempting to rise from her seated position but falling down due to her clothes.Manik tried to catch a glance of her face, but the wind was so strong that her hair covered half of her face, leaving only her eyes visible. He said "listen" in a more calmer tone this time.

" what?" Nandini turned, attempting to control her flowing hair. "You're the one who doesn't obey traffic laws and you're lecturing me like you're my father." She kept blabbering, oblivious to the fact that Manik was staring at her. He wasn't paying attention to her words since he was too preoccupied by her huge sparkling eyes.
 Nandini soon saw that Manik had zoned out from their talk and began flailing her hands to break his trance, which resulted in her realising that she was already late for her first day of college when she glanced at her watch. " Late! Holy shit, I'm even later now because of you. "Listen, this time I'm leaving you, but next time be careful or I won't leave you," Nandini said as she sat back in her car, Manik still standing in front of his.
 This ultimately infuriated Nandini to the point where she sounded the horn to bring him up from his thoughts and yelled, "listen you want to kill yourself now?" If so, go do it somewhere else and locate another automobile because I'm running late." She continued to honk at him until Manik's train of thought was broken and he allowed her to move. Nandini drove her car towards SPACE while Manik watched her fade away towards her destination with a little smile on his lips.

Manik pov

Her eyes informed me how pure and innocent she was, and those looks, especially her hair that kept falling over her face, but I couldn't stare at her face. Manik, you've had such bad luck, but why are you even thinking about her? Are you a nobody? You have no idea what her name is. Gosh!! I believe I should depart. I'm also running late.

Author's POV

As Manik turned to return to his car, his phone rang, signalling a call from someone, or more specifically cabir."Dude, we're waiting for you." Cabir screamed into his cell phone."Only 5 minutes." "I'll be there." Manik responded with an apology. He felt something under his shoes as he went ahead after cancelling the call. A bracelet with the letter N embedded in it was lying under his shoe."This has to be her bracelet," he reasoned as he stroked his thumb over the beading. "Oh, her name begins with the letter N." By the way, Miss N, you're not too awful." Manik drove his automobile towards his college with the bracelet in his pocket, ignorant that he would only locate Miss N at his intended location.

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