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Manik smiled watching her pure heart once again and left the room where he collided with Aryaman in the corridor.

" Manik. We need to talk." Aryaman demanded as he gave the former a stern look and walked towards his room while the former followed him. Once inside his room, Manik asked Aryaman , " what is it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Look i don't wanna sound prude or anything but Manik the thing is-" Aryaman was quite nervous to have things out in the open.
" Aryaman you can share anything with me, remember we were buddies. Now tell me what is it that's bothering you?" Manik asked again with a friendly smile that made Aryaman's tensed shoulder a little relieved.
" its about Nanz." he replied, his answer making Manik worried and anxious.
" is something serious? Did the doctor say something?" he asked in a panicked voice.
"It's not actually about her health or the doctor." 
"Then?" Manik was loosing his patience this time.
" i don't know how should i start this conversation with you-"
"You aren't gay? Are you?" Manik asked all of a sudden making Aryaman choke on air in surprise.
"Ofcourse not." he snapped back in an ainstant making Manik laugh out loud as he said holding his stomach, " I was just joking. Now tell what's the issue? Don't be formal." he asked.
" look Manik its very difficult for me to forgive you for what you have done in past." Aryaman laid down the basics of the conversation.

" i am sorry." before Aryaman could say anymore, Manik apologized with hsi head down in guilt.
" but i have seen your care for her. Gosh ok lets get to the main point. Do you really love her?" Aryaman came direct to the point, not beating around the bush anymore.
" more than my own life. Actually as i think of it, she is my life, my sunshine. My life without her is like a dark sky. It's like living in hell. You don't know Aryaman, these 2 years i have lived like a living corpse without her. I might be sounding too extreme for you but it's the truth." Manik replied with complete honesty.
Aryaman stood dumbfounded by his statements and love that he carries for her around in his heart. His startled gaze, somewhat got Manik shift in his place in nervousness as he thought maybe he had gotten over the line all of a sudden, hence he decided to apologize before their already ice cold relationship got any new dents, " Sorry i guess i went too far."

His apology wasn't needed at all, once Aryaman was able to process the seriousness of this scenario that had been right infront of his eyes, all this time. All during his time around Nandini, he hadn't realised how vacant and hollow Manik's eyes has been until now as he stood infront of his confessing of his love for his best friend. Not being able to form any words of his own vindetta and behaviour, Aryaman did what best he could do, he hugged Manik , a literal bro hug that got Manik confused even more.
" Aryaman what's wrong?" he asked the guy.
" Manik she is my family. Everything for me and what you did to her i was soo angry that i would have killed you. But i know she loves you. I can see it in her eyes." Aryaman said as he broke the hug and stood by the window.
" i know. Her heart is so pure that anyone could end of falling for that. By the way now you are acting as if you are, you know." Manik tried to remove off the tension by his lame jokes that actually might have worked as Aryaman chuckled.
" Shut up. And you are right anyone could fall in love with her. Even me." confessed Aryaman.
" I don't understand?" Manik asked.

" i love her. I always have and i might always will. When i saw you in her life i did feel bad a bit but i was happy because she was happy and before loving her i had always been her best buddy, her duffer. And do you know why was she always so happy?" Aryaman moved his head side ways as he asked Manik who just nodded his head in a no.
" because she realized that she fell in love with you. For the very first time she had felt like this for someone but it wasn't me. She has always thought of me as her best friend which i'll be always." Aryaman gave him a faint smile as things started to make sense to Manik.
" and you are indeed the bestest friend one could ever get." complimented Manik as he wrapped his head around the possibilities.

" You know that room in my farmhouse that we all visited. I use to go there hiding just to feel her presence around me. Not like a stalker or anything though, it's just that she calms me. But trust me i am happy that her life now has someone who's always gonna keep her happy, way more than me and I am sure you'll be there with her in any path of her life." Aryaman forwarded his hand for Manik to shake which he gladly did.
" That means you don't love me how sad." joked Manik.
" Manik you are getting me wrong brother. I am not what you think." Aryaman laughed pulling his hand away from the grip.
" oh really?" Manik raised his brow at him in amusement.
" Definitely yes. Ok so today i promise that I'll help you in getting your Nanz. Sorry Nandini back." Aryaman gave Manik his word.
" really?" the surprise was evident in the latter's voice though.
" really but it's not that easy bro. My little wildie is a hard nut to crack." Aryaman laughed .
" but even we are not less." came a united reply from the door where the others except Nandini stood.

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