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The boys approached Mukti, who had a big smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"Someone looks hot," Cabir replied, still sounding himself despite the fact that a tough guy like him was emotional at the time." Finally, my gangster looks like a girl." Manik took a step forward, wiping a tear from her face."I agree, for a brief moment, I thought I was at the wrong wedding." Dhruv tried to lighten the mood by wrapping his arm around Manik's shoulder." Is that correct? Soon to be Mrs. Singhania." Alia, who was standing next to Mukti, pushed her in the side, taunting her to tomato red now."Shut up guys, I'm still your Mukti," the bride murmured, wiping away tears."but soon to be my sister-in-law." Nandini reassured her by lightly squeezing her hand."If you girls don't mind, we can escort our friend ahead." Cabir bowed down like a gentleman from one of those historical dramas, requesting permission."You may," Ali said, clutching her beautiful lehenga skirt.

Cabir and Dhruv, together with Aryaman and another guy, moved aside as Cabir and Dhruv held each end of the fabric. Manik handed Alya the camera and walked Mukti to a new chapter in her future married life, saying, "Today, I'm going to fulfil my promise to you." "I'm going to give your hand to the guy who will make you happy for the rest of your life." " Shut up, no one can ever replace you guys," Manik murmured into her ear, earning a smack from the bride herself. No one." "Gosh, daily soap characters move forward, we don't have 2-3 episodes." And there it was, Cabir's taunt at just the right time.

They moved ahaed until they reached the mandap, where Rajat stood up and extended his hand, waiting for Manik to give Mukti's hand to him, and the lads stepped back, giving Mukti to the one she belonged to. Rajat assisted Mukti in ascending the stage, where they both sat. Everyone adored the newlyweds as the priest began chanting the mantras.

Manik reclaimed his camera from Alya and began filming his gangster's wedding when Nanz stepped next him, sensing her presence. Manik paused his camera and looked at her. Shooting her beauty down. Nandini called him "Manik" in hushed tones so as not to disturb anyone else." yes? " Manik smiled slightly at her." The wedding is taking place there. "Record them, not me." She gave him a brief glance before returning her attention to the couple."My camera is my wish." Manik, on the other hand, was adamant."Manik, everyone is watching us." Nandini pushed him away from her, only for him to return. "So let them," he explained."It's strange, Manik." She faced him again, giving him a look but realising it was pointless, so she returned her attention to the pair while Manik continued to photograph her when he felt a touch on his shoulder, shrugging it off and returning to his job when he feels it again, he shrugs but that someone is really bothering him. Turning around, he sees Dhruv with a cheesy smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked repeatedly, while being fully aware of the stupid response."nothing it's a great night," see, stupid."Good, so go sleep," Manik said as he brushed his hand away."Do you forget what day it is?" Dhruv inquired."I know it's Mukti's wedding," Manik said, plainly not wanting to have this topic." So, where can I go to sleep?" Manik would smack his closest friend's face right now if he could do so without raising a commotion."So, go back to your girl, brother, and let me be with mine." Manik pushed him closer to Alya."I am telling you for your own good," Dhruv said, perplexing Manik."And what is so good for me in this?" he wondered, perplexed." I thought you forgot it was Mukti's wedding and that you should record her." That was the crux of the conversation's stupidity." You and Cabir have no other job than to irritate me, right?" Manik gave him a false smile."Because we're buddies, mahn," said Manik, avoiding the tacky bro embrace."Wait a minute, I'll tell you how good buddies we are." Dhruv pushed Manik's pat on the back away, screaming, "Oh no no no. What will Nandini think if you tell him you're gay? No offence intended; I wholeheartedly support you. Only not with me."" You two are cursed. So, grab this camera and videotape the wedding personally." Manik handed the camera to his friend and walked away, while Nanz, who had been holding in her laughter since their talk began, burst out laughing."That guy messed me up and then left." "I had to romance with Alya, and now I'm making videos," grumbled Dhruv as he began working as the videographer.

Nandini felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to see a teeni little youngster trying to grab her attention, so she bent down to his level and ruffled his hair with a hey."What exactly does a cute baby like you want?" In a nonsense voice, she inquired."I am not a baby." In rage, the child folded his arms."Okay, so what's your name?" Nandini inquired, slightly amused by his prior attitude." Tanmay," the child answered, still upset with her, using a baby voice at him." ooh, Tanmay, do you want something?" Nandini went looking for the chocolate she had in her handbag." oofo "I forgot that brother asked me to inform you that he is waiting for you on the terrace." And there it was, the thrill of recalling his work." Me? "Which of your brothers?" Nandini, on the other hand, was perplexed. Did any of her elder cousins require her assistance?"That tall, tall brother of mine. He summoned you to the terrace," was the little knowledge the child had.

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