Chapter 4

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When Sarah and Sam returned to the campsite, all was quiet, no one was around.

"I'm going to take a quick shower and change." Sam motioned to his cutoffs.

Sarah agreed, a shower sounded good, she wanted to wash the sand out of her hair. "I can meet you at the bonfire later."

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Save me a seat." Then he sauntered off in the direction of his tent, on the far side of the campground.

Sarah watched as he walked away. The rays of the setting sun glinted off his hair and his broad shoulders were tanned brown, from the day on the beach. She shook her head and turned to go into the tent. She had just met him this morning, so how could she possibly be falling so fast for him? But she was attracted to him, he blended into her group of friends so easily, and he was so sweet to her, so gentle and thoughtful. She rolled these thoughts around in her mind while she gathered her things to take to the showers.

As she entered the bathhouse she heard the water running from one of the stalls and recognized Midgie's bag and towel on the bench outside of it. She walked into the one next to Midgie's and turned on the water, then stepped back to get undressed, setting her bag on the bench.

"Midgie, it's me, how was your day with Dave?"

"It was so cool!", Midgie sang out, "Utterly fantastic! He is so sexy, I love watching him work, those muscles! Oh my god! I am so glad we finally got together this summer."

"So am I." Sarah pulled off her bottoms and she saw a small drop of red. "Oh shit, I started. I forgot it would come this weekend." She pulled a tampon from her bag, and thanked God that she had stopped Sam's wandering fingers.

"Crap! That means I will be soon." The girls' cycles were always a few days apart, driving Pete crazy sometimes with the double dose of moodiness.

Midgie shut off the shower and, standing in the dressing area, she towel dried her hair. She looked over as Sarah stepped into the shower stall, "Wow, girl, you got some sun on your back today, it's really turning red." She touched Sarah's back and saw the white print left from the pressure of her finger.

Sarah winced and pulled away. "Ow! That hurt! Shit, is it that bad?"

"Yeah, I'll hang around here and when you're done with your shower, I'll put some Solarcaine on it. I have some here, somewhere in my bag."

While Sarah showered, Midgie asked about her afternoon with Sam. "Well, is Sam a good kisser?" Sarah's watery giggle came out as she rinsed her hair. "I'll take that as a yes." Midgie smiled slyly, "So, he got to first base already, huh?"

The girls had an agreement between them, taken from an article they read in a magazine. First base was french kissing, second was touching and feeling each other, third was oral sex, and a home run was actually having sex. Their rules were -You can go to 1st base on the first date, go to 2nd base on the third date, never go to 3rd base until the fourth date, and only get a home run after you know the other person is being monogamous. They both followed the agreement faithfully, and hadn't actually gotten homeruns with more than one or two guys.

The shower shut off and Sarah stepped out, and rubbed a towel vigorously over her hair, she thought about how to answer Midgie's question. "He is a great kisser. Like an out of sight kisser! But, it's more than that, he's just a really cool guy. He listens to me when I talk, really listens, and he's so considerate of my feelings."

"He sounds better than Jeff." Midgie held up the can of Solarcaine and Sarah turned her back, ready to be sprayed.

"He is! Jeff left me feeling so negative and unsure of myself. Sam is different." Sarah stopped as she thought about it. "He makes me feel good about myself. There is like this pull, this connection between us. I don't know how to describe it."

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