Chapter 29

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SATURDAY - JUNE 19, 1976 

Sam was awake and dressed, when Sarah rolled over and eyed him, grumpily.

"What are you doing up so early?" She pushed her hair out of her face and tried to focus on the alarm clock.

Sam stopped at the door with his hand on the knob, he turned and faced Sarah brightly. "I'm going down to check out the restaurant." He hesitated. "Do you want to come?"

Sarah slid out of bed and caught the whiff of sex that still clung to her body. "Can you give me a couple minutes to take a shower?"

Sam laughed. "I know how long your showers are. Come down when you're done, I'll still be there."

Sam walked to the desk clerk, urgently asking to use the house phone. He punched in Gisette's room number and waited, impatiently, for her to answer while keeping an eye on the elevators in case Sarah decided to come down now.

"Well?" He growled into the phone as soon as he heard Gisette's voice.

"No, Sam. Nothing yet." Gisette grumbled sleepily.

"What the fuck, Gisette!" Sam exhaled loudly. He ran his shaking hands through his hair and watched the elevators, nervously trying to think of an excuse if Sarah should step through them and see him.

"This isn't something that I can make happen! I want to start my period, if I could make it happen, I would!"

"Why aren't you going to a doctor?"

"I called my doctor in Paris. I am flying out Monday. I was going to tell everyone today."

"Tell them what?" Sam panicked.

"My god, Sam! I will just say I have some things to take care of. Now let me go back to bed!"

Sam slammed the phone down and went into the restaurant to wait for Sarah. His hands shook and his heart was pounding rapidly as he stared at the menu. Gisette is pregnant! His pulse beat out the staccato that echoed and bounced inside his head.

Georgie and Trish came in and sat at his table. Trish had showered and put on make up, and for the most part, looked well.

"I'm sorry I scared the shit out of everyone last night." Trish said. "But Georgie took care of me. He always does."

"She promised me that she would never do that again. Right, baby doll?" Georgie reached over to rub Trish's back.

Trish laid her head on Georgie's shoulder and looked over at Sam, smiling wickedly. "We're both starting fresh. He won't fuck anymore groupies and I won't take too many pills."

The couple were so into their make up phase that they hadn't noticed the ashen tone of Sam's face or the tightness in his forced smile. But Sarah was entering the restaurant and she had noticed, and she had seen the effort Sam was putting into trying to act relaxed.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that." Sarah said as she slid into the chair across from Trish. "That's the way it should be."

Sarah kissed Sam's cheek. "Everyone is starting over. Things are looking better!" She cocked her head and looked at him, questioning.

Sam looked at the menu, biting his cheek. He felt his heart pounding as he tried to act natural, but he knew that Sarah was suspicious.

SUNDAY - JUNE 20, 1976 

Sarah followed Sam down the aisle to the seats that had become theirs on long bus rides. They had a ten hour drive ahead of them, arriving in Salt Lake City sometime around 6:30 that evening.   

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