Chapter 49

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THURSDAY - JULY 15, 1976

Sam leaned back against the white carved dresser in Gisette's bedroom. They had just arrived this morning, pulling into the drive of their Malibu rental house at dawn.
The entire group had gotten their suits on and headed for the beach, right in their back yard. Gisette stopped Sam on the way out, asking him to come to her room.
Sam already knew, now that the tour was over, Gisette was out of a job. She told them all about a week ago that she was going back to Paris.
He stood now, and watched as she rearranged the items in her overnight bag, nervously.

"What's up, Gisette? I know you didn't ask me here to watch you pack and unpack your shit."

"I just wanted to let you know.." Gisette licked her lips, nervously. "Well, you know I said I was moving on..." She looked up at him, almost seeming embarrassed. "I've met someone, his name is Helmut. He's a business man. He's from Germany. I know you've seen him around these past two weeks."

Sam shrugged, now that he thought of it, he remembered seeing a short grey haired man at nearly every hotel they had stayed in. But he hadn't been paying too much attention. He had been out every night, after the show, going to clubs and bars in every city, asking all the bands that he met if they knew of the She-Devils. The mystery girl from the outdoor concert.

Gisette looked at him in disgust. "You didn't even notice." Then she shook her head, determinedly. "I'm going to travel with Helmut, so if you need to reach me for anything, you can go through my father."

"Does that mean you'll give me a divorce?"

"I don't know." Gisette shrugged her shoulders. "I'll let you know."

"So, is that it?" Sam turned to leave, then a newspaper on the dresser caught his eye. He studied a notice that was featured on the front page of the entertainment section. The She-Devils were playing at a club in San Francisco tomorrow night. He took the paper, stuffing it in his pocket. "Have a good trip." He said absently over his shoulder as he left Gisette's room.


"You still look good in your bikini." Midgie told Sarah as they spread the quilt on the beach.

Sarah let out a loud laugh and opened the bag of chips. "I'm only 3 months! Please, that will happen soon enough! Especially if I keep eating like this." She had gotten through the morning sickness phase and her appetite had returned with a vengeance.

The two girls were the first ones on the beach so far, in what was promising to be a beautiful Labor Day. Midgie had come back from art school in Cleveland, and Sarah had driven in from Penn State, where she decided she would attend one more semester.

Her doctor said it would be good for her to go, she was healthy, and so far, her pregnancy was going good. She just had to be in town for her monthly appointments.

Her parents had given her their Vista Cruiser to drive while she was away. She had a small apartment off campus and when she went back after Labor Day, she would start her job at the campus bookstore. She also wanted to check out a job at a small pub nearby, waiting tables on Friday and Saturday nights. She knew that her social life was going to be limited, so she wanted to fill the time making money.

"What time will Pete and Toni get here?" Sarah asked. She and Pete were still not seeing each other socially. This weekend would be the first time they had gotten together since the fourth of July. She had seen Toni around town and they had been friendly towards each other, but Sarah was still a little nervous about spending the day with them.

"They went to Niagara Falls for the night, so probably around noon." Midgie opened a beer, then paused and looked at Sarah. "Still just one beer a day?"

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