Chapter 5

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On the beach behind them, the bonfire was burning down, the orange embers reflected in the water. The remaining couples were all leaving, wandering back to their campsites, sleepy, stoned and happy.

"It's getting late, I should get you back to your tent." They were still on the picnic table, lying with their bodies entwined, enjoying their solitude, kissing and talking quietly. Sam had just felt Sarah yawn against his chest and stifled one of his own.

"Um hm." She snuggled closer to him, she didn't want the evening to end. It felt good to lie here beside Sam.

He played with strands of her hair as he laid there, listening to the sounds of the crickets behind him and the soft shoosh of the waves. From far off he heard the low moan of a ship's horn, echoing across the water. He couldn't remember a time when he felt so peaceful. He didn't feel that nervous energy that had been running though his veins the past few weeks. He knew it was more than the hash and the wine.

'It's because of Sarah,' he thought, 'She calms me.' Then he heard a small snore below his ear.

"Sweetheart, come on, let's get you to bed."

Her eyes flew open. "Oh shit, I fell asleep?"

Sam kissed her and moved the hair away from her face. "See? You ended up sleeping with me, even though you tried not to."

She looked at the devilish grin on his face and felt it tug at her heart. "I think I had better get back to the tent."

The campground was quiet as they entered it. Small lamps on posts showed where the road was. They walked quietly, hand in hand. Once in awhile, they'd pass a campsite lit by the glow of a campfire, dark figures, either sitting or moving quietly around. They could hear whispered conversations and the occasional low laugh. A few times, the smell of pot filled their nose as they passed by.

They walked into Sarah's campsite and saw the lantern, its flame at it's lowest setting, on a table by the firepit.

"Pete's here." Sarah whispered. "He always leaves the lantern on for us." She turned and wrapped herself in Sam's arms. "I don't want today to end."

He raised her face to his, his lips touched hers, then his tongue slipped in and began another slow dance with hers.

Sarah felt herself melting into him and knew she had to pull back. 'I will,' she told herself, 'in just a minute.' She lost herself in his kiss.

Finally they separated and Sam gently stroked her cheek. "My god, do you know what you do to me?'

"Yeah, well, those are some sexy kisses you're giving me."

"I'm giving you? Your tongue drives me crazy."

They kissed again, even slower, deeper, than the last. Then they heard footsteps, trying to sneak quietly past them.

"Coitus interruptus." Sam whispered in her ear.

"Sorry," Midgie's whisper came from behind them. "I tried to be quiet. I forgot my toothbrush. I'm just going in the tent, now, to get it."

"Good night, Midgie." Midgie heard the laughter in Sam's voice.

"Good night, Sam." She chuckled back to him.

Sam saw Sarah trying to cover a yawn. "I saw that." He sighed. "You need some sleep, you're tired and I think you're still a little drunk. We'd better say goodnight now. I'll meet up with you tomorrow. Go now, before I change my mind."

He watched as she unzipped the tent, walked inside and zipped it close, then he walked away, whistling softly.

Sarah saw Midgie's dark outline, kneeling by her bag. "How was the bonfire with Dave?"

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