Chapter 26

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Gisette turned away from the front desk and saw Sarah outside on the sidewalk with Tex. She went straight to the elevators and entered the doors, pressing the button for Sam's floor.

Gisette pushed on the door, as Sam opened it, entering the room before he had a chance to speak.

"You left me at the bar last night!" She said furiously.

"I didn't leave you alone! Georgie was with you." Sam answered.

Gisette whirled around to face him, and narrowed her eyes. "That's not what I meant and you know it. We were just getting started, Sam. We were getting back together."

Sam shook his head. "No, we weren't."

"How can you say that?"

Sam saw the hurt in Gisette's eyes. He answered her in a soft voice, not wanting to cause her any more pain.

"Gisette, I'm sorry about last night. I can promise you that it will never happen again."

"You've said that before. You can't keep fighting it. You want it as bad as I do, Sam." Gisette stated.

She walked over to him and ran her hand down his bare chest, her fingers playing with the black hair on it.

Sam grabbed her hand and held it away from him. "This is what I mean. You have to stop doing things like that."

"I can do this with any other guy in the band and it doesn't affect them the way it does you." Gisette leaned against him and touched his chest with her fingertips, watching the skin shiver at her light touch and felt the muscles tighten.

"Now tell me that there is nothing between us." She said.

Sam took a step back from her. "Not anymore. It has to end here and now."

Gisette crossed her arms and leaned back on the wall, eyeing him narrowly. "Maybe your girlfriend should do the same then."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard two older women talking on the elevator this morning. They entered from this floor, so I'm guessing this is the floor their room is on. They were talking about a couple that was sitting in the hallway last night." She paused for effect. "The two were actually going at it, right there in the hall. The old ladies were appalled that this couple didn't take their lovemaking into their room."

Sam stared at Gisette. "That could have been anyone here."

"I don't think so. I think it was your own little Sarah."

Gisette mimicked the old ladies. "That little girl with the pretty long hair."

"We all made a lot of mistakes last night." Sam said shortly. He was trying not to picture Sarah with Tex, but his mind was filled with images of them together.

"Why are you and I the ones to pay? Why do you and I have to stop seeing each other while she runs off for a rendezvous with Tex this morning?"

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sarah went to breakfast with Trish this morning."

Sam headed for the door, pulling it open and Sarah spilled in after, her hand still on the doorknob.

Sam saw Tex standing in the hall and lunged at him, pushing him up against the wall. He grabbed Tex's shirt by the collar, twisting it in his fist.

"Stay the fuck away from Sarah!" He growled.

"Sam!" Sarah ran to him, pulling at his arm. "Let go of him!"

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