Preference: What He/She Does For You On Valentine's Day

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A/N: I know this is a week behind, but due to my personal problems, I didn't want to post it at the time. Take a mental note that I'm working on the requests at the moment, but it'll take a couple days to upload them.This is a quick preference that I made specially for Valentine's Day. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did making it! :D

Bryan: Waking up, Bryan decided to make a trail of rose petals that led to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, he drew a warm bath and had candles laying around the outer rim of the bathtub. After the bath, you walked downstairs and noticed that all of your favorite movies were laying on the coffee table, as well as a cake that had your name written on it. Going into the kitchen, he sat at the coffee table facing you and embraced you in a warm hug and then gently kissed you. The two of you had breakfast and then decided to have a little fun ;)

Alex: Alex wanted to show off her baking skills for Valentine's Day and decided to make both cupcakes and brownies for you. She managed to make a couple of batches, but with mistakes. Flour got all over the floor and made a mess throughout the entire kitchen. Besides baking, the two of you decided to go to the local carnival that was happening downtown, and managed to win each other prizes. 

Shannon: Shannon wanted to be spontaneous for Valentine's Day this year, because she feels like she didn't do enough for previous years. Shannon thought that the two of you could go to the movie theater and watch a movie, get ice cream, go shopping and find any adventure that the two of you could find. And of course, Shannon spoiled you with kisses and cuddles. 

Kyle: Even though Kyle is considered to be immature at times, Kyle's very loving and tries to remind you how much he loves you on a daily basis. It was through the little things that he did that showed you he loved you (A/N: That's how you know, that's how you know he's your true love! Disney geek. Sorry) For Valentine's Day, Kyle woke you up with breakfast in bed with all of your favorite breakfast foods and then the two of you cuddled for a good two hours. After the cuddling, you and Kyle decided to go to the local beach and spend the day there, which included a picnic on the beach. The beach had very few people there, so the two of you were able to prance around the beach without being judged. After lunch, you two decided to get changed into your swimsuits and decided to play around in the water. At one point, Kyle scared you by pulling you under the water, but relaxed once he kissed you. The two of you rose above the water, but were still kissing. The kiss was firm, loving and filled with passion. 

Johnnie: Johnnie wanted to spoil you with love and affection for Valentine's Day, because he's just the kind of guy who didn't care who saw the PDA. Because this is a special day, Johnnie bought tickets to see Ghost Town and managed to get front-row seats. The two of you sang and danced to the music throughout the entire concert, and afterwards, the two of you went out for a late dinner at a local pizzeria and bought the largest size to see who could eat more pizza. After dinner, Johnnie bought you roses and a large teddy-bear for you to cuddle with whenever Johnnie's gone for business. Although what you guys did was simple, it was the best Valentine's Day anyone could ask for. 

Jeydon: Jeydon has always been a romantic, and decided to make up a little game for Valentine's Day. When you were about to leave the house to find Jeydon, there was a note on the front door. The note told you to go to where you first met: The fountain in downtown. Getting there, you noticed another note on a bench that said to go to where you had your first kiss: The amusement park. After getting there, there was another note at the ticket booth that said, "Remember how I said I loved you? Well, I still do. Go to the frozen yogurt place that we love to go to." You went to the frozen yogurt place and the person working at the counter told you that you could get a free frozen yogurt, so you made it and then took the note from the cashier. The next note said to find your favorite spot in the entire world, which was next to Jeydon and got confused. Trying to analyze the note, Jeydon scared you and put his arms around your waist and kissed your neck before burying his head on your shoulder. Jeydon and you decided to have dinner at the local Olive Garden and went to go ice skating afterwards.

Jordan: Jordan placed a thousand kisses on both your neck, lips and face, and gently traced your collarbone until you woke up. Once you woke up, he pulled you out of bed and decided to take you to the place where you guys first met - Game Stop. The two of you played against one another in video games displayed at the store until the two of you were hungry, and decided to eat at your favorite restaurant for lunch. Getting home, Jordan convinced you to come out into the backyard and swing on the tire swing that was tied to an old oak tree. Jordan would pull the tire swing and then put his hands on your waist as the two of you swung. Once you guys got tired, Jordan brought you inside and took a nap. Waking up, Jordan made you get dressed and took you out for dinner, and bought you roses, a large teddy bear and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. 

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