Preference: You're On Your Period

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Bryan: Bryan will surprise you with chocolates, homemade meals and put movies on Netflix, so you can relax and spend time with him. He will also cuddle you when you need it the most and kiss you at the most random times. 

Alex: Alex will do anything that you need to get done and will make sure that you stay in bed to keep yourself relaxed. She will also keep you comfortable by fluffing your pillows, warming up the blankets, changing the temperature in the house, cuddling you when needed, and will buy you all the chocolate in the world to ease the pain. 

Shannon: Shannon does things a bit differently compared to others. She will put on hilarious TV shows and movies to keep you occupied on something else rather than the cramps. On top of that, Shannon will also get you the heating pad and give you everything you need. Because it's been said that moving around is good on your period, Shannon will also make you get up and walk around the house periodically and then let you lay down again. 

Kyle: Kyle likes to build a pillow fort for the both of you in the living room and then the two of you love to watch films and hilarious TV shows together. He also loves to make you all kinds of food and films your reaction to see how amazing his cooking skills are. If you ask for him to lay with you, he will comply and cuddle you until you are feeling yourself again.

Jeydon: Jeydon likes to cuddle you as much as he can when you're on your period, but will back off when you need alone time. He loves to play on his guitar for you whenever you're upset and will serenade you with original songs as well as covers. 

Johnnie: Johnnie loves to just try and cheer you up when you're upset whether if it means watching funny movies together or making videos and showing them to you later on. He will also make up songs on the spot and will play the ukulele for you when you need a pick-me-up. Johnnie will also give you as much food as you need to feel better.

Jordan: Jordan likes to take care of people when needed and when you're on your period, he will spring into action to take care of you. He loves to make food for you, cuddle you, kiss you, and won't stop until you feel better. You love it when Jordan films a new video and will show it to you, because he knows his sense of humor always makes you laugh. He loves you to no end and won't stop until you know it. 

A/N: Here's a quick filler, because I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of things on Wattpad. I hope you guys like this and stay up to date for new imagines and preferences coming up. Stay strong and stay beautiful. <3

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